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 History of the Bean Family

Jane Roberts died about 1849

Sophia Strong died about 1846

Clement Strong died in 1898 (he was the father of Agnes Strong, whom I met at the Brentwood Schoon on 15 Aug 1918 - CFB)

 Mrs Strong and Mrs Roberts met their husbands at Barnes, Surrey where they were staying with their Cousin Harriet Burton.

Cat1 Families-->Bean / May

History of the Bean Family
Jane Roberts died about 1849
Sophia Strong died about 1846
Clement Strong died in 1898 (he was the father of Agnes Strong, whom I met at the Brentwood Schoon on 15 Aug 1918 - CFB)

Mrs Strong and Mrs Roberts met their husbands at Barnes, Surrey where they were staying with their Cousin Harriet Burton.

Image ID FBN_016
Category 1 Families-->Bean / May


This image is part of the Mersea Museum Collection.