Local History - Mersea and around A Brief History of Mersea
Bronze Age Mersea Bronze Age Boardwalk East Mersea Barrow complex
The Mersea Barrow
Wheel Tomb and Child's Burial Tomb
Archaeological Investigations at Brierley Paddocks development
Mersea and the Civil War - 1648
Tudor Blockhouse Fort
The Strood
Fish Traps or Fish Weirs
Red Hills
Local Churches ... Churches of East and West Mersea 1974 by J.B. Bennett
Mersea Pubs and Hotels ...
Earliest written references to Mersea Island
Mersey in 1768 (Philip Morant)
Mersea Island in 1831 (Wright & Bartlett)
Mersea Island in 1848 (White's Directory)
Mersea Island Schools
1884 Earthquake
1904 Marsh Country Rambles - Mersea Island by Herbert W. Tomkins
World War 2 ...
Coastguards on Mersea
Cudmore Grove
Duck Decoy at Waldegraves
West Mersea Seafront and Esplanade
Fish out of Place - Mersea fishing - audio recorded 2002 *** New ***
Memories of a Laney by Harry Mussett
Mersea Island Golf Club, East Mersea
Mersea Regatta Past and Present Audio - a talk by Ron Green from 1994
The First Mersea Regattas
MOLLIETTE - Exordium to Finale by Pat Zierold
Ray Island and the legacy of Mehalah
2017 finds in the mud
2018 WW1 Memorial Soldiers and Sailors at the Strood
West Mersea Council archives
The Telephone on Mersea
Mersea Water - the Water Tower
1908 Brierley Hall Estate brochure
An Urban Dream for Mersea - 1968 article
Mersea Houses and Buildings Mersea People Shops, businesses, organisations Transport |
 A brief history of Mersea Island
 Mersea Barrow
 Wheel Tomb
 The Strood
 Local Churches
 Mersea Pubs and Hotels
 Peldon History Project