Local History - Mersea and around

A Brief History of Mersea

Bronze Age Mersea
    Bronze Age Boardwalk
    East Mersea Barrow complex

The Mersea Barrow

Wheel Tomb and Child's Burial Tomb

Archaeological Investigations at Brierley Paddocks development

Mersea and the Civil War - 1648

Tudor Blockhouse Fort

The Strood

Fish Traps or Fish Weirs

Red Hills

Local Churches ...
Churches of East and West Mersea 1974 by J.B. Bennett

Mersea Pubs and Hotels ...

Earliest written references to Mersea Island

Mersey in 1768 (Philip Morant)

Mersea Island in 1831 (Wright & Bartlett)

Mersea Island in 1848 (White's Directory)

Mersea Island Schools

1884 Earthquake

1904 Marsh Country Rambles - Mersea Island by Herbert W. Tomkins

World War 2 ...

Coastguards on Mersea

Cudmore Grove

Duck Decoy at Waldegraves

West Mersea Seafront and Esplanade


Fish out of Place - Mersea fishing - audio recorded 2002 *** New ***

Memories of a Laney by Harry Mussett

Mersea Island Golf Club, East Mersea

Mersea Regatta Past and Present
Audio - a talk by Ron Green from 1994

The First Mersea Regattas

MOLLIETTE - Exordium to Finale by Pat Zierold

Ray Island and the legacy of Mehalah

2017 finds in the mud

2018 WW1 Memorial Soldiers and Sailors at the Strood

West Mersea Council archives

The Telephone on Mersea

Mersea Water - the Water Tower

1908 Brierley Hall Estate brochure

An Urban Dream for Mersea - 1968 article

Mersea Houses and Buildings

Orleans on Coast Road, West Mersea
Women's Institute Halls

Mersea People

Margery Allingham - Crime Writer and Novelist
Sabine Baring-Gould - Rector of East Mersea, writer
Bean and May families
'Catchy' - Patricia Catchpole - Riding School
'Isabella Rosa Dawson 1880-1972 East Mersea - Memoirs
Ron Follington - farming at Reeves Hall 1962-63
David Gallifant - solicitor - and more
Joy Gethen - Mersea Memories
Sidney David Gowing - author
Hugh Green - 19th Century Doctor and Surgeon
Ron Green - a Mersea builder
Ernest Harnack - X-ray pioneer
Fid Harnack - Marine Artist
Heather Haward - Why I Love Mersea Island
Richard Haward - Fisherman and Oysterman
Reg Hempstead - rigger at Clarke and Carter (Audio Recording)
Walter Hewes - World War I
Stanley Hills - builder, founder of Mersea Museum
Winifred Hone Memoirs - the Sailing and Social Club
John Milgate boatbuilder
Tiddler Mole born 1911 - gardner, oysterman and more (audio recording)
Martins of Moor Farm
Freda Smith - 26 years teaching at Mersea School (Audio Recording)
Clifford Manning White - his Empire
Dora Greenwell McChesney - author
E. Arnot Robertson - author, sailor
Fred Wass - hairdresser and infantryman
The White family of Shopkeepers
East Mersea tales - the Wilson and Dawson families
William Wyatt - the 'Admiral'

Shops, businesses, organisations

Brickworks and Brick Making
Digby's Hardware Shop
Foresters of Mersea and Peldon


Mersea Buses
A railway to Mersea Island ?
Sailing Barges to West Mersea Hard

  Mersea Island
A brief history of Mersea Island
The Barrow, by the road to East Mersea
Mersea Barrow
Wheel Tomb
Wheel Tomb
Eastern National bus at Strood 1963 - Ron Fisher
The Strood
Local Churches
Local Churches
Mersea Pubs and Hotels
Mersea Pubs and Hotels
Peldon Village
Peldon History Project