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 Report on the East Anglian Earthquake by Meldola and White, pages 74 and 75.

West Mersea. The guide was Mr Larman, the chief officer of the coastguard station. Rev. T.R. Musselwhite. Orleans Cottage, The Hall, Brick House, White Hart Inn. National School and schoolmaster Mr Thorpe. 
Cat1 Disasters and Mishaps-->on Land Cat2 Mersea-->Events

Report on the East Anglian Earthquake by Meldola and White, pages 74 and 75.
West Mersea. The guide was Mr Larman, the chief officer of the coastguard station. Rev. T.R. Musselwhite. Orleans Cottage, The Hall, Brick House, White Hart Inn. National School and schoolmaster Mr Thorpe.
Date: 1885      

Image ID MAW_P074
Category 2 Mersea-->Events


This image is part of the Mersea Museum Collection.