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 SCEPTRE relaunched 9 June 2020.

Former ships lifeboat and workboat for Clarke & Carter, she was laid up on the saltings and became derelict. In 2010 Graham Lovegrove decided to rescue her, she was dug out of the mud and with a lot of work eventually restored. It became a family effort and she was relaunched 9 June. 

Graham had been ill for some time, was able to be there, but sadly died ...
Cat1 Ships and Boats-->Working Cat2 Yachts and yachting-->Motor

SCEPTRE relaunched 9 June 2020.
Former ships lifeboat and workboat for Clarke & Carter, she was laid up on the saltings and became derelict. In 2010 Graham Lovegrove decided to rescue her, she was dug out of the mud and with a lot of work eventually restored. It became a family effort and she was relaunched 9 June.
Graham had been ill for some time, was able to be there, but sadly died 27th June 2020

From article in Mersea Life by Charlotte Chamberlain July 2020

Date: 9 June 2020      

Photo: Charlotte Chamberlain
Image ID ML2020_007_090_001
Category 2 Yachts and yachting-->Motor


This image is part of the Mersea Museum Collection.