- sorted by ID

Found 3 images - displaying 1 to 3

1. ID AN03_026_001 Uncle Bill Carrington. Ann Ward says that when she was a young girl, she and her parents used to enjoy musical evenings with Uncle Bill and the Sheltons.
Cat1 People-->Other

1. "Uncle Bill Carrington". Ann Ward says that when she was a young girl, she and her parents used to enjoy musical evenings with Uncle Bill and the Sheltons.
Date: 1933
Image ID AN03_026_001

2. ID AN03_026_005 Uncle Bill Carrington
Cat1 Mersea-->Creeks, fleets, channels, saltings

2. "Uncle Bill Carrington"
Date: 1933
Image ID AN03_026_005

3. ID AN03_026_009 Ann Ward on Pepper. Photo by Joan Ward.
Cat1 Families-->Pullen Cat2 Mersea-->Beach

3. Ann Ward on Pepper. Photo by Joan Ward.
Image ID AN03_026_009
