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 Peldon Rose. The name over the door is George Pullen. George and Jane Pullen ran the Rose from about 1880 to 1909 when George died. Jane continued to run it until her death in 1935 
Cat1 Mersea-->Pubs Cat2 Places-->Peldon Cat3 Families-->Pullen

Peldon Rose. The name over the door is George Pullen. George and Jane Pullen ran the Rose from about 1880 to 1909 when George died. Jane continued to run it until her death in 1935
Date: Before 1910      

Photo: Pullen Family Collection
Image ID PUL_OPA_117
Category 1 Mersea-->Pubs
Category 2 Places-->Peldon
Category 3 Families-->Pullen


This image is part of the Mersea Museum Collection.