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 A Study of the Strood by W.E. Duane. Chapter 6. 34.

The Administrators of the Strood contd.

An extract [Note 1] of fees paid from 1635 - 1835 is as follows:-

Cat1 Mersea-->Strood

A Study of the Strood by W.E. Duane. Chapter 6. 34.

The Administrators of the Strood contd.

An extract [Note 1] of fees paid from 1635 - 1835 is as follows:-

Date £.  s.  d.
1692-1716     1134

The Charity Commissioners queried the large increase for 1835 and the Steward, Mr. Felix Francis replied that this was due to his having had to send out an extra notice in respect of Mr. Bennett Hawes.

On 14th October, 1898 the Charity Commissioners mad an apportionment order, [Note 2] which gave the Lexden and Winstree Rural District Council representation on the Trustees of the Church and Stroodlands Charity. They were to appoint three Trustees for the Strood Charity and the Church appointed the Vicar and two Churchwardens as Trustees or the Church Charity. This Order was probably made because the cost of the upkeep of the Strood was too prohibitive to be met by the profits of the charity and it was made at the request of and signed by th existing trustees on 29th August, 1899 who were W.J. Bean Esq., James Page, farmer, Daniel Rehoboam Cock, farmer, Thomas Gilbert Esq., ...

Note 1 ERO D/Q1/16
Note 2 1573/1900 C.C.O. original seen in possession of Mr. Stoker 19.4.65.

Date: 1965      

Image ID SOS_006_009
Category 1 Mersea-->Strood


This image is part of the Mersea Museum Collection.