Search for Image ID ""Images for Mersea-->Creeks, fleets, channels, saltings 82

 The Dutch hopper-dredger SOSPAN DAU recharging the seaward end of Packing Marsh Island with dredgings from Harwich as part of the recharge project organised by  ...
Cat1 Mersea-->Creeks, fleets, channels, saltings Cat2 Ships and Boats-->Merchant -->Power

The Dutch hopper-dredger SOSPAN DAU recharging the seaward end of Packing Marsh Island with dredgings from Harwich as part of the recharge project organised by Mersea Harbour Protection Trust
Date: 5 November 2021      

Photo: Ian Clarke
Image ID RCG_003
Category 1 Mersea-->Creeks, fleets, channels, saltings
Category 2 Ships and Boats-->Merchant -->Power


This image is part of the Mersea Museum Collection.