Mersea Island Museum - Blackwater Ships

Arrived:22 Apr 1967
Departed:2 August 1967
Career:Built for Union Castle as KENYA CASTLE.
1967 sold to Chandris and renamed AMERIKANIS whilst in the River Blackwater. Broken up Alang 4 Jun 2001
Tonnage:17,041 gross
Type:Passenger ship
Owner:Union Castle Line
LR/IMO Number:5185398

KENYA CASTLE in River Blackwater. Date: cJuly 1967.

Above:  KENYA CASTLE in River Blackwater. Date: cJuly 1967.
Source: Mersea Museum / Newall Dunn Collection

KENYA CASTLE in River Blackwater. Date: cJuly 1967.

Above:  KENYA CASTLE in River Blackwater. Date: cJuly 1967.
Source: Mersea Museum / Newall Dunn Collection

Laid up vessels in the River Blackwater, across the mudflats from West Mersea. Union Castle liners KENYA CASTLE and RHODESIA CASTLE.

KENYA CASTLE was in the river 22 April 1967 to 2 August 1967 and RHODESIA CASTLE from 4 May 1967 to 15 July 1967. Date: cJune 1967.

Above:  Laid up vessels in the River Blackwater, across the mudflats from West Mersea. Union Castle liners KENYA CASTLE and RHODESIA CASTLE. KENYA CASTLE was in the river 22 April 1967 to 2 August 1967 and RHODESIA CASTLE from 4 May 1967 to 15 July 1967. Date: cJune 1967.
Source: Mersea Museum / Collins / Botham negatives via Brian Jay

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