Mersea Island Museum - Blackwater Ships

Arrived:15 June 1959
Departed:16 September 1959
Arrived 2:12 November 1959
Departed 2:23 February 1960
Career:One of the cadets on board the WELSH PRINCE when she was in the River Blackwater writes on about life on board:
"Stood by on the WELSH PRINCE laid up in the River Blackwater in July and August 1959. There were two of us as cadets waiting for first sea going appointments plus Chief Officer, a Second Mate and a cook. No power, used oil lamps and cooked on a kerosene stove in the galley. Hot water for a shower was warmed on a kero heater, took all day to get the water tepid. Stores boat came by once a week and took grocery order for the following week. We spent our days trying to start the emergency gen set for a bit of civilization but never got that piece of c--p running.
David Mossman from Spalding visited Museum September 2014 and said: "The Captain was Jack Tye. Cadets David Mossman, Andrew Jones and George Mathews. The WELSH PRINCE had arrived from Rotterdam, having brought a cargo of Iron Pyrites from Cyprus.
WELSH PRINCE was renamed VERGMONT-1961. Left Blackwater for Thames 24 Feb 1960. Broken up Whampoa 23 Feb 1971.

Oyster Company ledger first entry 17 June 1959 4 weeks compensation.
9 September 1959 4 weeks compensation.
16 September 1959 left river.
2 December 1959 4 weeks compensation.
27 January 1960 4 weeks compensation.
24 February 1960 4 weeks reservation

Mid Essex WSS - Lloyds List: arrived 15 Jun 1959 sailed 16 Sep 1959 arrived 12 Nov 1959 sailed 23 Feb 1960

Tonnage:7,354 gross
Type:Cargo ship
Owner:Prince Line
Official No:169949

Copyright Mersea Island Museum Trust 2025
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