Built as LONDON SHIPPER for Furness, Withy & Co. 1928 transferred to Prince Line as the BRITISH PRINCE. 1930 was laid up in the River Blackwater alongside her sisters. May 1935 she was sold to T & J Harrison renamed STATESMAN. 17th May 1941 sunk by a aerial torpedo 200 miles west of Inishtrahull in Ireland with the loss on one life. [ from www.red-duster.co.uk/PRINCE13.htm ]
Arrival date December 1930 from Essex Record Office document DF 106/1/10/12 T&MNOFC Record of Ships Moored on Fishery 1930-33.
Voyage Record Card: BRITISH PRINCE Arrived 12 December 1930 from London. Arrived London 29 January 1935
"Haven of Rest" by Douglas Gurton lists the vessel but has no further info. See DJG_SHP |