Mersea Island Museum - Blackwater Ships

Ship:      FILTRIC
Arrived:15 May 1954
Departed:1 December 1954
Career:Essex County Standard 4 June 1954 mentions that Greek oil tankers FILTRIC and MARACAIBO were laid up in the river.
She was previously laid up n the River Blackwater as BRITISH CHANCELLOR in 1945.
Built as BRITISH CHANCELLOR. Renamed WANMAS-1952, FILTRIC-1954, VIVA-1954, GAATON-1955.
Broken up La Spezia 11 Feb 1961.
In Oyster Company Ledger, last payment 21 September 1954.
Arrived 15 May 1954 departed 1 Dec 1954 for London in tow tugs ROMANIA and CERVIA [George Swieszkowski - Lloyds List]
Tonnage:7,086 gross
Official No:146197

Laid up ships in River Blackwater.

L-R 1. tanker, probably 1. FILTRIC, 2. ESPERANCE BAY, 3. GOTHIC. 

GOTHIC arrived 6 September 1954 and ESPERANCE BAY departed 8 September 1954 Date: c7 September 1954.

Above:  Laid up ships in River Blackwater. L-R 1. tanker, probably 1. FILTRIC, 2. ESPERANCE BAY, 3. GOTHIC. GOTHIC arrived 6 September 1954 and ESPERANCE BAY departed 8 September 1954 Date: c7 September 1954.
Source: Mersea Museum / Sarah Shehadeh

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