Mersea Island Museum - Blackwater Ships

Career:BRANKSOME HALL collided with Southend pier in early 1933 and was scrapped after sale to Italy for scrap in August 1933. It was thought she was laid up in the Blackwater after this mishap, but all the evidence is that she remained anchored off Southend. There is a photograph of her laid up, but it could be anywhere. The Oyster Company ledger for the period has no record of the ship.
George Swieszkowski has no record of her. Liverpool Journal of Commerce 30-06-1933 reported Branksome Hall arrived Tilbury on 29 June 1933 after lying off Southend since February 1933.
Tonnage:4,257 gross
Type:Cargo ship
Owner:Ellerman Hall Line
Official No:143132

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