Images for Yachts and yachting - sorted by ID

Found 968 images - displaying 751 to 780  -  page 26.

751. ID PBIB_APP_283 Steam yacht QUEEN OF SCOTS. Probably in this collection because Tollesbury people crewed on her.
QUEEN OF SCOTS was Official No. 119131, twin screw steam ...
Cat1 Yachts and yachting-->Steam Cat2 Tollesbury-->People

751. Steam yacht QUEEN OF SCOTS. Probably in this collection because Tollesbury people crewed on her.
QUEEN OF SCOTS was Official No. 119131, twin screw steam ...
Image ID PBIB_APP_283

752. ID PBIB_BAR_001 Spain's King a Yacht Racer. Alfonso has engaged Capt. Stephen Barbrook as Sailing Master.
He has been appointed Captain of the King of Spain's new racing ...
Cat1 Yachts and yachting-->Sail-->Larger Cat2 People-->Fishermen and Seamen

752. Spain's King a Yacht Racer. Alfonso has engaged Capt. Stephen Barbrook as Sailing Master.
He has been appointed Captain of the King of Spain's new racing ...
Date: August 1909
Image ID PBIB_BAR_001

753. ID PBIB_CAL_001 Steam yacht CALA MARA in mud berth at Tollesbury. William Frost of Tollesbury was captain and the owner was Sir Richard Cooper. Date not known.
Steam yacht ...
Cat1 Tollesbury-->Woodrolfe Cat2 Yachts and yachting-->Steam

753. Steam yacht CALA MARA in mud berth at Tollesbury. William Frost of Tollesbury was captain and the owner was Sir Richard Cooper. Date not known.
Steam yacht ...
Image ID PBIB_CAL_001

754. ID PBIB_CWN_005 On board HEARTSEASE. L-R Radley Carter, John Bowles and Charlie Wilkinson. Man in the front not identified.
Schooner HEARTSEASE was built as ADELA by J. & ...
Cat1 Yachts and yachting-->Sail-->Larger

754. On board HEARTSEASE. L-R Radley Carter, John Bowles and Charlie Wilkinson. Man in the front not identified.
Schooner HEARTSEASE was built as ADELA by J. & ...
Image ID PBIB_CWN_005

755. ID PBIB_EVR_001 Return of yacht ENDEAVOUR to Gosport. Daily Sketch front page.
Captain and Mrs Heard, Seaman Stubbins
Cat1 Yachts and yachting-->Sail-->Larger

755. Return of yacht ENDEAVOUR to Gosport. Daily Sketch front page.
Captain and Mrs Heard, Seaman Stubbins
Date: 2 October 1937
Image ID PBIB_EVR_001

756. ID PBIB_EVR_003 Return of yacht ENDEAVOUR to Gosport.
Ocean Epic - by one who lived it. Jim Stubbins, of the crew of ENDEAVOUR I.
Daily Sketch page 7.
Pictures ...
Cat1 Yachts and yachting-->Sail-->Larger

756. Return of yacht ENDEAVOUR to Gosport.
Ocean Epic - by one who lived it. Jim Stubbins, of the crew of ENDEAVOUR I.
Daily Sketch page 7.
Pictures ...
Date: 2 October 1937
Image ID PBIB_EVR_003

757. ID PBIB_EVR_011 Return of yacht ENDEAVOUR to Gosport.
How ENDEAVOUR came home. Weekly Illustrated News.
Captain Heard, John Gempton, Jim Stubbins, David Stubbins, Dan ...
Cat1 Yachts and yachting-->Sail-->Larger

757. Return of yacht ENDEAVOUR to Gosport.
How ENDEAVOUR came home. Weekly Illustrated News.
Captain Heard, John Gempton, Jim Stubbins, David Stubbins, Dan ...
Date: 9 October 1937
Image ID PBIB_EVR_011

758. ID PBIB_EVR_013 Return of yacht ENDEAVOUR to Gosport. Weekly Illustrated News.
Yacht ENDEAVOUR I at sea, yawl rigged fro passage from America to UK.
Cat1 Yachts and yachting-->Sail-->Larger

758. Return of yacht ENDEAVOUR to Gosport. Weekly Illustrated News.
Yacht ENDEAVOUR I at sea, yawl rigged fro passage from America to UK.
Date: 9 October 1937
Image ID PBIB_EVR_013

759. ID PBIB_EVR_021 Return of yacht ENDEAVOUR to Gosport.
ENDEAVOUR welcomed with Whitbread's. Advertisement from unknown newspaper.
Twenty miles south of the Lizard! At ...
Cat1 Yachts and yachting-->Sail-->Larger

759. Return of yacht ENDEAVOUR to Gosport.
ENDEAVOUR welcomed with Whitbread's. Advertisement from unknown newspaper.
Twenty miles south of the Lizard! At ...
Date: October 1937
Image ID PBIB_EVR_021

760. ID PBIB_GDG_001 An early picture of the yawl GUDGEON, owned by Walter Bibby of Tollesbury in the 1960s and 1970s.
Cat1 Yachts and yachting-->Sail-->Larger

760. An early picture of the yawl GUDGEON, owned by Walter Bibby of Tollesbury in the 1960s and 1970s.
Date: 1920s
Image ID PBIB_GDG_001

761. ID PBIB_GDG_003 The 1920 built yawl GUDGEON in the years when she was owned by Walter Bibby of Tollesbury.
Cat1 Yachts and yachting-->Sail-->Larger

761. The 1920 built yawl GUDGEON in the years when she was owned by Walter Bibby of Tollesbury.
Date: c1970
Image ID PBIB_GDG_003

762. ID PBIB_GDG_005 The 1920 yawl GUDGEON in Mersea Quarters. She had been owned by Walter Bibby of Tollesbury in the 1960s and 1970s.
Cat1 Yachts and yachting-->Sail-->Larger

762. The 1920 yawl GUDGEON in Mersea Quarters. She had been owned by Walter Bibby of Tollesbury in the 1960s and 1970s.
Date: cOctober 2021
Image ID PBIB_GDG_005

763. ID PBIB_HIS_001 Yacht HISPANIA at Tollesbury - marked July 1936 but could be 1930. A Drake Bros advertisement from 1930 mentions she wintered at Tollesbury.
Cat1 Yachts and yachting-->Sail-->Larger Cat2 Tollesbury-->Woodrolfe

763. Yacht HISPANIA at Tollesbury - marked July 1936 but could be 1930. A Drake Bros advertisement from 1930 mentions she wintered at Tollesbury.
Date: July 1930
Image ID PBIB_HIS_001

764. ID PBIB_HRT_001 An unidentified two masted schooner at anchor.
Cat1 Yachts and yachting-->Sail-->Larger

764. An unidentified two masted schooner at anchor.
Image ID PBIB_HRT_001

765. ID PBIB_ION_003 Motor yacht IONE II, photograph taken at Drakes Yard, Tollesbury. Smack CK212 is in the background.
IONE II Official No. 162726, wood, built Jas. A. ...
Cat1 Yachts and yachting-->Motor Cat2 Tollesbury-->Woodrolfe

765. Motor yacht IONE II, photograph taken at Drakes Yard, Tollesbury. Smack CK212 is in the background.
IONE II Official No. 162726, wood, built Jas. A. ...
Image ID PBIB_ION_003

766. ID PBIB_ION_005 Motor yacht IONE II, Official No. 162726, built 1931.
Photograph loaned by Ursula Frost.
Cat1 Yachts and yachting-->Motor

766. Motor yacht IONE II, Official No. 162726, built 1931.
Photograph loaned by Ursula Frost.
Image ID PBIB_ION_005

767. ID PBIB_KAT_001 KATHLEEN, with Frank Redgewell at the wheel.
Auxiliary ketch, built Camper & Nicholson, Southampton, 1925. Official No. 139440. Parafin motor. 
1926 ...
Cat1 Yachts and yachting-->Sail-->Larger

767. KATHLEEN, with Frank Redgewell at the wheel.
Auxiliary ketch, built Camper & Nicholson, Southampton, 1925. Official No. 139440. Parafin motor.
1926 ...
Image ID PBIB_KAT_001

768. ID PBIB_KAT_011 Yacht KATHLEEN skippered by Captain Frank William Redgewell.

KATHLEEN sustained serious damage in the Bay of Biscay in 1922 [?] during severe weather ...
Cat1 Yachts and yachting-->Sail-->Larger

768. Yacht KATHLEEN skippered by Captain Frank William Redgewell.
KATHLEEN sustained serious damage in the Bay of Biscay in 1922 [?] during severe weather ...
Date: 1920s
Image ID PBIB_KAT_011

769. ID PBIB_KER_003 Steam yacht INYONI at anchor at Cowes. The clubhouse of the Royal Yacht Squadron is in the background.
Likely to be INYONI, ON 68839 ex WATERLILY, 80ft oa ...
Cat1 Yachts and yachting-->Steam

769. Steam yacht INYONI at anchor at Cowes. The clubhouse of the Royal Yacht Squadron is in the background.
Likely to be INYONI, ON 68839 ex WATERLILY, 80ft oa ...
Image ID PBIB_KER_003

770. ID PBIB_LEA_002 Sydney Charles Leavett is on the left with his father Charles on the right. On the yacht CREOLE, 1938.
Used in Biography of Sydney Charles Leavett, page 6. ...
Cat1 Yachts and yachting-->Sail-->Larger Cat2 People-->Fishermen and Seamen

770. Sydney Charles Leavett is on the left with his father Charles on the right. On the yacht CREOLE, 1938.
Used in Biography of Sydney Charles Leavett, page 6. ...
Date: 1938
Image ID PBIB_LEA_002

771. ID PBIB_MAL_001 Motor Yacht MALAHNE. The following Tollesbury men crewed on her so I have been told: Raymond Frost, Bob Leavett, Weinel Clark, Jim Frost, Sam Crees, Peter ...
Cat1 Yachts and yachting-->Motor Cat2 Tollesbury-->People

771. Motor Yacht MALAHNE. The following Tollesbury men crewed on her so I have been told: Raymond Frost, Bob Leavett, Weinel Clark, Jim Frost, Sam Crees, Peter ...
Image ID PBIB_MAL_001

772. ID PBIB_MAR_004 On board MARIQUITA off Bolt Head, Salcombe. They had a crew of 10 but they are not all in the photo. Mr Henry Garratt, the owner, is wearing jacket and Walter ...
Cat1 Yachts and yachting-->Sail-->Mariquita

772. On board MARIQUITA off Bolt Head, Salcombe. They had a crew of 10 but they are not all in the photo. Mr Henry Garratt, the owner, is wearing jacket and Walter ...
Date: c1923
Image ID PBIB_MAR_004

773. ID PBIB_MED_002 Steam yacht MEDEA at Newhaven before she went to Holland for restoration. Note the wheelhouse which was removed during restoration.
Cat1 Yachts and yachting-->Steam

773. Steam yacht MEDEA at Newhaven before she went to Holland for restoration. Note the wheelhouse which was removed during restoration.
Date: c1970
Image ID PBIB_MED_002

774. ID PBIB_MYM_001 An unidentified gaff yawl. Flying White Ensign - Royal Yacht Squadron ?
Cat1 Yachts and yachting-->Sail-->Larger

774. An unidentified gaff yawl. Flying White Ensign - Royal Yacht Squadron ?
Image ID PBIB_MYM_001

775. ID PBIB_NAV_021 Lord Brassey's 159ft auxiliary topsail schooner SUNBEAM in the trade winds during her circumnavigation of the world, 1876-1877. Captain Isiah Powell of Rowhedge ...
Cat1 Yachts and yachting-->Sail-->Larger

775. Lord Brassey's 159ft auxiliary topsail schooner SUNBEAM in the trade winds during her circumnavigation of the world, 1876-1877. Captain Isiah Powell of Rowhedge ...
Date: c1877
Image ID PBIB_NAV_021

776. ID PBIB_NAV_331 Motor yacht NARWHALE. Walter 'Navvy' Mussett was on NARWHALE from 1937 to 1945 including her naval service during WW2.
Cat1 Families-->Mussett Cat2 Yachts and yachting-->Motor

776. Motor yacht NARWHALE. Walter 'Navvy' Mussett was on NARWHALE from 1937 to 1945 including her naval service during WW2.
Image ID PBIB_NAV_331

777. ID PBIB_NIN_001 NINON at Drake's yard, Tollesbury.
Peter Bibby writes My grandfather was skipper of yacht NINON which was owned by Henry Garratt and used to lay up at ...
Cat1 Yachts and yachting-->Sail-->Larger Cat2 Tollesbury-->Woodrolfe

777. NINON at Drake's yard, Tollesbury.
Peter Bibby writes "My grandfather was skipper of yacht NINON which was owned by Henry Garratt and used to lay up at ...
Date: c1920
Image ID PBIB_NIN_001

778. ID PBIB_NIN_004 NINON - thought to be on the slipway at Drake Bros, Tollesbury.
Peter Bibby writes My grandfather was skipper of yacht NINON which was owned by Henry ...
Cat1 Yachts and yachting-->Sail-->Larger

778. NINON - thought to be on the slipway at Drake Bros, Tollesbury.
Peter Bibby writes "My grandfather was skipper of yacht NINON which was owned by Henry ...
Image ID PBIB_NIN_004

779. ID PBIB_PAM_002 On the slipway at Drake Bros yard, Tollesbury. Thought to be PAMELA.
Cat1 Yachts and yachting-->Sail-->Larger

779. On the slipway at Drake Bros yard, Tollesbury. Thought to be PAMELA.
Image ID PBIB_PAM_002

780. ID PBIB_PSA_003 Yacht PALMOSA. Kate White née Folkes, from Salcott who helped with the catering, and ? Frost from Mell Road, Tollesbury.
Photograph loaned by Iris ...
Cat1 People-->Fishermen and Seamen Cat2 Yachts and yachting-->Sail-->Larger

780. Yacht PALMOSA. Kate White née Folkes, from Salcott who helped with the catering, and ? Frost from Mell Road, Tollesbury.
Photograph loaned by Iris ...
Image ID PBIB_PSA_003
