Images for Birch-->Church - sorted by ID

Found 64 images - displaying 1 to 30  -  page 1.

1. ID CLB_009 Ruins of Little Birch Church, Birch Park. It has been a ruin since the 18th Century. 
For a history, see  ...
Cat1 Birch-->Church

1. Ruins of Little Birch Church, Birch Park. It has been a ruin since the 18th Century.
For a history, see ...
Date: 1980s
Image ID CLB_009

2. ID CLB_011 Ruins of Little Birch Church, Birch Park
Cat1 Birch-->Church

2. Ruins of Little Birch Church, Birch Park
Image ID CLB_011

3. ID EC53_010_029 Birch. A village church in the 1880s, by Arthur E. May.
<i>Birch, where the author was born and spent his childhood, is a small village about five ...
Cat1 Birch-->Church Cat2 Birch-->People

3. Birch. A village church in the 1880s, by Arthur E. May.

Birch, where the author was born and spent his childhood, is a small village about five ...
Date: October 1953
Image ID EC53_010_029

4. ID ELS_070_001_001 St Peter's Church, Birch
Cat1 Birch-->Church

4. St Peter's Church, Birch
Image ID ELS_070_001_001

5. ID PBA_042_AAA Unknown wedding at Birch Parish Church.
Cat1 Birch-->People Cat2 Birch-->Church

5. Unknown wedding at Birch Parish Church.
Date: 1950s
Image ID PBA_042_AAA

6. ID PBA_051_BBB Wedding of Lily Adkins and Ron Clark. Birch Parish Church.
Photo 51B.
Cat1 Birch-->Church

6. Wedding of Lily Adkins and Ron Clark. Birch Parish Church.
Photo 51B.
Image ID PBA_051_BBB

7. ID PBA_055_DDD Birch Church. 
Photo 55D from TBM.
Cat1 Birch-->Church Cat2 [Display on front screen]

7. Birch Church.
Photo 55D from TBM.
Image ID PBA_055_DDD

8. ID PBA_055_III Painting of St. Peter's Church, Birch. Photo by Pat Adkins, the painting is in Birch School.
Cat1 Birch-->Church

8. Painting of St. Peter's Church, Birch. Photo by Pat Adkins, the painting is in Birch School.
Image ID PBA_055_III

9. ID PBA_071_001 Birch St. Peters Church group in the 1950s, outside west end of the church.
Back row L-R. 1. Jean Fisher, 2. Joan Rout, 3. June Osbourne, 4. Dennis ...
Cat1 Birch-->Church

9. Birch St. Peters Church group in the 1950s, outside west end of the church.
Back row L-R. 1. Jean Fisher, 2. Joan Rout, 3. June Osbourne, 4. Dennis ...
Date: 1950s
Image ID PBA_071_001

10. ID PBA_071_BBB Birch Church group by the font in the south west corner of the nave. The Rector, Church Wardens, organist and choir.
Back row 4 L-R: 1., 2., 3. Dennis ...
Cat1 Birch-->Church

10. Birch Church group by the font in the south west corner of the nave. The Rector, Church Wardens, organist and choir.
Back row 4 L-R: 1., 2., 3. Dennis ...
Date: After 1949
Image ID PBA_071_BBB

11. ID PBA_072_001 Inside Birch Church, late 1950s ?
L-R 1. Mary Wayman ?, 2. Violet Mead, 3. ? holding banner, 4. child, 5. child, 6. ? behind banner, 7. child, 8. Carol ...
Cat1 Birch-->Church

11. Inside Birch Church, late 1950s ?
L-R 1. Mary Wayman ?, 2. Violet Mead, 3. ? holding banner, 4. child, 5. child, 6. ? behind banner, 7. child, 8. Carol ...
Date: c1958
Image ID PBA_072_001

12. ID PBA_093_001 Birch Church Fellowship Pilgrimage to Leiston Abbey, Suffolk.
L-R 1. Nanny Brewer, 2. Rev. George Armstrong, 3. Mrs Armstrong, 4. Mr Boreham, 5. Felicity ...
Cat1 Birch-->Church

12. Birch Church Fellowship Pilgrimage to Leiston Abbey, Suffolk.
L-R 1. Nanny Brewer, 2. Rev. George Armstrong, 3. Mrs Armstrong, 4. Mr Boreham, 5. Felicity ...
Date: 31 March 1962
Image ID PBA_093_001

13. ID PBA_093_003 Birch Church Fellowship Pilgrimage to Leiston Abbey, Suffolk.
L-R 1. Nanny Brewer, 2. Mrs Boreham ?, 3. Mr Boreham, 4. Penny Jackson.
Photo 93 3. TBM.
Cat1 Birch-->Church

13. Birch Church Fellowship Pilgrimage to Leiston Abbey, Suffolk.
L-R 1. Nanny Brewer, 2. Mrs Boreham ?, 3. Mr Boreham, 4. Penny Jackson. Photo 93 3. TBM.
Date: 31 March 1962
Image ID PBA_093_003

14. ID PBA_093_005 Birch Church Fellowship Pilgrimage to Leiston Abbey, Suffolk.
L-R 1. Nancy Armstrong, 2. George Everitt, 3. Rev. George Armstrong, 4. David ...
Cat1 Birch-->Church

14. Birch Church Fellowship Pilgrimage to Leiston Abbey, Suffolk.
L-R 1. Nancy Armstrong, 2. George Everitt, 3. Rev. George Armstrong, 4. David ...
Date: 31 March 1962
Image ID PBA_093_005

15. ID PBA_093_007 Birch Church Fellowship Pilgrimmage to Leiston Abbey, Suffolk.
L-R 1. Tom Millatt, 2., 3. Sally Purkiss, 4. Felicity Armstrong, 5. Penny Jackson.
Photo 93 ...
Cat1 Birch-->Church

15. Birch Church Fellowship Pilgrimmage to Leiston Abbey, Suffolk.
L-R 1. Tom Millatt, 2., 3. Sally Purkiss, 4. Felicity Armstrong, 5. Penny Jackson. Photo 93 ...
Date: 31 March 1962
Image ID PBA_093_007

16. ID PBA_093_009 Birch Church Fellowship Pilgrimmage to Leiston Abbey, Suffolk.
1. Penny Jackson, 2. Miss Rich (teacher at Birch School), 3. Tony Millatt.
Photo 93 9. TBM.
Cat1 Birch-->Church

16. Birch Church Fellowship Pilgrimmage to Leiston Abbey, Suffolk.
1. Penny Jackson, 2. Miss Rich (teacher at Birch School), 3. Tony Millatt. Photo 93 9. TBM.
Date: 31 March 1962
Image ID PBA_093_009

17. ID PBA_093_011 Birch Church Fellowship Pilgrimmage to Leiston Abbey, Suffolk.
L-R: Mr & Mrs Boreham, Em Everitt, Miss Smith (Birch organist).
Front 1. Felicity ...
Cat1 Birch-->Church

17. Birch Church Fellowship Pilgrimmage to Leiston Abbey, Suffolk.
L-R: Mr & Mrs Boreham, Em Everitt, Miss Smith (Birch organist).
Front 1. Felicity ...
Date: 31 March 1962
Image ID PBA_093_011

18. ID PBB_017 Flowers for Mothering Sunday. Anne and Tony Millatt in foreground, in Birch School Garden with Birch Church beyond.
<br<Essex County Standard photo 2081/A.
Cat1 Birch-->Church

18. Flowers for Mothering Sunday. Anne and Tony Millatt in foreground, in Birch School Garden with Birch Church beyond. Date: c1952
Image ID PBB_017

19. ID PBB_021 Rogation Sunday procession to the fields behind Birch Church. Rev. George Armstrong and T.B. Millatt in the centre.
Cat1 Birch-->Church

19. Rogation Sunday procession to the fields behind Birch Church. Rev. George Armstrong and T.B. Millatt in the centre.
Date: 1950s
Image ID PBB_021

20. ID PBC_001_001 Birch Church from School House Garden.
Cat1 Birch-->Church

20. Birch Church from School House Garden.
Date: 1960s
Image ID PBC_001_001

21. ID PBC_001_003 Birch Church
Cat1 Birch-->Church

21. Birch Church
Date: 1960s
Image ID PBC_001_003

22. ID PBC_002_005 Birch Church with the spire under repair.
Cat1 Birch-->Church

22. Birch Church with the spire under repair.
Date: 18 February 1961
Image ID PBC_002_005

23. ID PBC_005_001 Birch Church, now undergoing repairs, has an unusual yet picturesque look about it with its steeple in splints. Undated newspaper cutting.
Cat1 Birch-->Church

23. Birch Church, now undergoing repairs, has an unusual yet picturesque look about it with its steeple in splints. Undated newspaper cutting.
Date: cFebruary 1961
Image ID PBC_005_001

24. ID PBC_005_003 Birch Church. From a drawing made in February 1849.
Great and Little Birch had each a separate church, but Little Birch Church was disused long ago. Its ...
Cat1 Birch-->Church

24. Birch Church. From a drawing made in February 1849.
Great and Little Birch had each a separate church, but Little Birch Church was disused long ago. Its ...
Date: February 1849
Image ID PBC_005_003

25. ID PBC_014_001 Ringing the changes at disused church, by Claire Poreter. Lottery grant to be sought for new arts centre.
How St Peter's could be altered. Birch Church as ...
Cat1 Birch-->Church

25. Ringing the changes at disused church, by Claire Poreter. Lottery grant to be sought for new arts centre.
How St Peter's could be altered. Birch Church as ...
Date: 16 September 1998
Image ID PBC_014_001

26. ID PBC_014_003 Arts idea to save church, by Lisa Cockrell. St. Peter's Church, Birch.
Evening Gazette.
Cat1 Birch-->Church

26. Arts idea to save church, by Lisa Cockrell. St. Peter's Church, Birch.
Evening Gazette.
Date: 8 August 2001
Image ID PBC_014_003

27. ID PBC_014_005 The organ, Birch Church. Essex County Standard picture 8472, date not known.
Cat1 Birch-->Church

27. The organ, Birch Church. Essex County Standard picture 8472, date not known.
Image ID PBC_014_005

28. ID PBD_REC_001 The Luards leaving Birch Rectory
Cat1 Birch-->People Cat2 Birch-->Church

28. The Luards leaving Birch Rectory
Date: 1940s
Image ID PBD_REC_001

29. ID PBH_045 Birch Church - closed and becoming derelict
Cat1 Birch-->Church

29. Birch Church - closed and becoming derelict
Image ID PBH_045

30. ID PMAG_1919_009_001 Birch and Layer Breton Parish Magazine - from Tom Wayman.
The Peace Festivities
  Luncheon party given at the School by Capt. and Mrs Round for men ...
Cat1 Birch-->Events Cat2 Birch-->Church Cat3 Birch-->Church

30. Birch and Layer Breton Parish Magazine - from Tom Wayman.
The Peace Festivities

Luncheon party given at the School by Capt. and Mrs Round for men ...
Date: September 1919
Image ID PMAG_1919_009_001
