Images for Yachts and yachting - sorted by ID

Found 968 images - displaying 1 to 30  -  page 1.

1. ID ABD_015 Ice in the hard winter 1962 - 1963. PORT ERROLL, BOADICEA, VERA.
PORT ERROLL Official No. 161504, built Blackwell 1904, converted RNLI lifeboat, owner E. ...
Cat1 Weather Cat2 Mersea-->Old City & the Hard Cat3 Mersea-->Old City & the Hard

1. Ice in the hard winter 1962 - 1963. PORT ERROLL, BOADICEA, VERA.
PORT ERROLL Official No. 161504, built Blackwell 1904, converted RNLI lifeboat, owner E. ...
Date: cJanuary 1963
Image ID ABD_015

2. ID ABD_017 Froggie
Cat1 Yachts and yachting-->Sail-->Small yachts / dinghies

2. Froggie
Image ID ABD_017

3. ID ABD_029 TD (Tom D'Wit) Ron Bishop, Douglas Stoker, Andy Muir
Cat1 Families-->Stoker / Brown Cat2 Yachts and yachting-->Sail-->Small yachts / dinghies

3. TD (Tom D'Wit) Ron Bishop, Douglas Stoker, Andy Muir
Image ID ABD_029

4. ID ABD_035 The BUCCANEER, owned by Sid Hewes. Built Brightlingsea, same builder as BOY GEORGE. Sail number 1033 41.
Cat1 Yachts and yachting-->Sail-->Small yachts / dinghies

4. The BUCCANEER, owned by Sid Hewes. Built Brightlingsea, same builder as BOY GEORGE. Sail number 1033 41.
Image ID ABD_035

5. ID ABD_037 Round the Island Race. BUCCANEER, WHEEZY ANNA.
Cat1 Mersea-->Events Cat2 Yachts and yachting-->Sail-->Small yachts / dinghies

5. Round the Island Race. BUCCANEER, WHEEZY ANNA.
Image ID ABD_037

6. ID ABR_005 Steam Yacht ZAREFAH. The photograph was found in Dorothy Brown's papers. In 1914 Dorothy's father Hartley Brown was serving on ZAREFAH - see  ...
Cat1 Yachts and yachting-->Steam Cat2 Families-->Stoker / Brown

6. Steam Yacht ZAREFAH. The photograph was found in Dorothy Brown's papers. In 1914 Dorothy's father Hartley Brown was serving on ZAREFAH - see ...
Date: c1914
Image ID ABR_005

7. ID ABR_014_001 Sailing on Frank Hutton's SEA BEAR.
L-R 1. Stanley French with TUSCARORA jersey, 2. a guest, 3. Hartley Brown with SEA BEAR WMYC jersey, 4. a guest, 5. ...
Cat1 Yachts and yachting-->Sail-->Larger Cat2 Families-->French Cat3 Families-->French

7. Sailing on Frank Hutton's SEA BEAR.
L-R 1. Stanley French with TUSCARORA jersey, 2. a guest, 3. Hartley Brown with SEA BEAR WMYC jersey, 4. a guest, 5. ...
Date: c1938
Image ID ABR_014_001

8. ID ABR_014_003 On Frank Hutton's SEA BEAR.
L-R 1., 2., 3. Stanley French, 4., 5. Hartley Brown
  Photograph from Dorothy Brown Collection
Cat1 Families-->French Cat2 Yachts and yachting-->Sail-->Larger Cat3 Yachts and yachting-->Sail-->Larger

8. On Frank Hutton's SEA BEAR.
L-R 1., 2., 3. Stanley French, 4., 5. Hartley Brown

Photograph from Dorothy Brown Collection
Date: c1938
Image ID ABR_014_003

9. ID AN02_001_001 Photograph from Joan Pullen.
Cat1 Families-->Pullen Cat2 Yachts and yachting-->Sail-->Small yachts / dinghies

9. Photograph from Joan Pullen.
Date: April 1944
Image ID AN02_001_001

10. ID AN02_001_007 Joan Pullen by mast, Sergeant in Royal Army Service Corps in foreground.
Cat1 Families-->Pullen Cat2 Yachts and yachting-->Sail-->Small yachts / dinghies

10. Joan Pullen by mast, Sergeant in Royal Army Service Corps in foreground.
Date: April 1944
Image ID AN02_001_007

11. ID AN03_020_001 Jersey on the right is ELVER RCYC. ELVER was owned by Mr Victor C. Harrison and skippered by Ron Pullen in the 1930s.
The Harrisons took 16mm film of some ...
Cat1 Families-->Pullen Cat2 Yachts and yachting-->Sail-->Larger

11. Jersey on the right is ELVER RCYC. ELVER was owned by Mr Victor C. Harrison and skippered by Ron Pullen in the 1930s.
The Harrisons took 16mm film of some ...
Image ID AN03_020_001

12. ID AN03_022_003 West Mersea Town Regatta 1947. MFOB (Mersea Fishermen's Open Boat) CK85 MANABS Wilf Carter. CK111 WINNIE owned by George Stoker (built Brightlingsea 1920)
Cat1 Yachts and yachting-->Sail-->Small yachts / dinghies Cat2 Families-->Stoker / Brown

12. West Mersea Town Regatta 1947. MFOB (Mersea Fishermen's Open Boat) CK85 MANABS Wilf Carter. CK111 WINNIE owned by George Stoker (built Brightlingsea 1920)
Date: 23 August 1947
Image ID AN03_022_003

13. ID AN04_012_001 Photograph from Joan Pullen.
Cat1 Families-->Pullen Cat2 Yachts and yachting-->Sail-->Larger

13. Photograph from Joan Pullen.
Image ID AN04_012_001

14. ID AN04_012_003 Photograph from Joan Pullen.
Cat1 Families-->Pullen Cat2 Yachts and yachting-->Sail-->Larger

14. Photograph from Joan Pullen.
Image ID AN04_012_003

15. ID AN04_016_015 Photograph from Joan Pullen.  ...
Cat1 Families-->Pullen Cat2 Yachts and yachting-->Sail-->Small yachts / dinghies

15. Photograph from Joan Pullen. ...
Date: 1951
Image ID AN04_016_015

16. ID AN04_017_015 Well loaded - sculling. Photograph from Joan Pullen.
Cat1 Families-->Pullen Cat2 Yachts and yachting-->Sail-->Small yachts / dinghies

16. Well loaded - sculling. Photograph from Joan Pullen.
Image ID AN04_017_015

17. ID AN04_021_013 Boat belonging to Mr Wormell - a garage owner from Sudbury. He is at the wheel. John Milgate used to look after the boat.
Cat1 Families-->Pullen Cat2 Yachts and yachting-->Motor

17. Boat belonging to Mr Wormell - a garage owner from Sudbury. He is at the wheel. John Milgate used to look after the boat.
Date: August 1948
Image ID AN04_021_013

18. ID AN06_005_003 Unknown yacht. The boat astern of her looks like one of the boats built for Mersea Boating Lake before the War. Photo at Brightlingsea ?
Cat1 Yachts and yachting-->Sail-->Small yachts / dinghies

18. Unknown yacht. The boat astern of her looks like one of the boats built for Mersea Boating Lake before the War. Photo at Brightlingsea ?
Date: 1951
Image ID AN06_005_003

19. ID AN06_005_007 SNIPE - owned by the Ward family. It was previously owned by the Ketley family - friends of Norman Ward.
Cat1 Families-->Pullen Cat2 Yachts and yachting-->Sail-->Small yachts / dinghies

19. SNIPE - owned by the Ward family. It was previously owned by the Ketley family - friends of Norman Ward.
Date: 1951
Image ID AN06_005_007

20. ID AN06_010_009 SNIPE. Ward family.
Cat1 Families-->Pullen Cat2 Yachts and yachting-->Sail-->Larger

20. SNIPE. Ward family.
Date: 1960
Image ID AN06_010_009

21. ID AN08_005 At the Helm.
1., 2. Joan Pullen, 3. Rue Pullen
Cat1 Families-->Pullen Cat2 Yachts and yachting-->Sail

21. "At the Helm".
1., 2. Joan Pullen, 3. Rue Pullen
Date: April 1944
Image ID AN08_005

22. ID AN09_001_001 Launch of yacht JANMER for Norman and Joan Ward.
JANMER was built by Guy Harding at Wivenhoe.
5.12grt aux. Bm. sloop 'Tomahawk' class yacht. ...
Cat1 Yachts and yachting-->Sail-->Larger Cat2 Places-->Wivenhoe-->Shipyards

22. Launch of yacht JANMER for Norman and Joan Ward.

JANMER was built by Guy Harding at Wivenhoe.
5.12grt aux. Bm. sloop 'Tomahawk' class yacht. ...
Date: 1962
Image ID AN09_001_001

23. ID AN09_001_003 Launch of yacht JANMER, built for Norman Ward at Colne Marine [Guy Harding], Wivenhoe.
Cat1 Yachts and yachting-->Sail-->Larger Cat2 Places-->Wivenhoe-->Shipyards

23. Launch of yacht JANMER, built for Norman Ward at Colne Marine [Guy Harding], Wivenhoe.
Date: 1962
Image ID AN09_001_003

24. ID AN09_001_005 Launch of yacht JANMER, built for Norman Ward at Colne Marine [Guy Harding], Wivenhoe. The yacht was christened by Wigs (Francis) from Colchester, and Ann Ward.
Cat1 Yachts and yachting-->Sail-->Larger Cat2 Places-->Wivenhoe-->Shipyards

24. Launch of yacht JANMER, built for Norman Ward at Colne Marine [Guy Harding], Wivenhoe. The yacht was christened by Wigs (Francis) from Colchester, and Ann Ward.
Date: 1962
Image ID AN09_001_005

25. ID AN09_001_007 Launch of yacht JANMER, built for Norman Ward at Colne Marine [Guy Harding], Wivenhoe. Ann Ward, with Wigs (Francis) nearer the camera. Everard coaster passing ...
Cat1 Yachts and yachting-->Sail-->Larger Cat2 Places-->Wivenhoe-->Shipyards

25. Launch of yacht JANMER, built for Norman Ward at Colne Marine [Guy Harding], Wivenhoe. Ann Ward, with Wigs (Francis) nearer the camera. Everard coaster passing ...
Date: 1962
Image ID AN09_001_007

26. ID AN09_002_001 Launch of yacht JANMER, built for Norman Ward at Colne Marine [Guy Harding], Wivenhoe. Breaking the champagne - Joan, Norman and Ann Ward.
Cat1 Yachts and yachting-->Sail-->Larger Cat2 Places-->Wivenhoe-->Shipyards

26. Launch of yacht JANMER, built for Norman Ward at Colne Marine [Guy Harding], Wivenhoe. Breaking the champagne - Joan, Norman and Ann Ward.
Date: 1962
Image ID AN09_002_001

27. ID AN09_002_003 Launch of yacht JANMER, built for Norman Ward at Colne Marine [Guy Harding], Wivenhoe. Breaking the champagne - Joan, Norman and Ann Ward.
Cat1 Yachts and yachting-->Sail-->Larger Cat2 Places-->Wivenhoe-->Shipyards Cat3 Places-->Wivenhoe-->Shipyards

27. Launch of yacht JANMER, built for Norman Ward at Colne Marine [Guy Harding], Wivenhoe. Breaking the champagne - Joan, Norman and Ann Ward.
Date: 1962
Image ID AN09_002_003

28. ID AN09_003_001 Launch of yacht JANMER, built for Norman Ward at Colne Marine [Guy Harding], Wivenhoe.
Murial Butcher, Emily Pullen, Ern Butcher, Rue Pullen, Ann Ward, ...
Cat1 Yachts and yachting-->Sail-->Larger Cat2 Places-->Wivenhoe-->Shipyards

28. Launch of yacht JANMER, built for Norman Ward at Colne Marine [Guy Harding], Wivenhoe.
Murial Butcher, Emily Pullen, Ern Butcher, Rue Pullen, Ann Ward, ...
Date: 1962
Image ID AN09_003_001

29. ID AN09_003_003 Launch of yacht JANMER, built for Norman Ward at Colne Marine [Guy Harding], Wivenhoe. Norman Ward centre.
Cat1 Yachts and yachting-->Sail-->Larger Cat2 Places-->Wivenhoe-->Shipyards Cat3 Places-->Wivenhoe-->Shipyards

29. Launch of yacht JANMER, built for Norman Ward at Colne Marine [Guy Harding], Wivenhoe. Norman Ward centre.
Date: 1962
Image ID AN09_003_003

30. ID AN09_004_001 Launch of yacht JANMER, built for Norman Ward at Colne Marine [Guy Harding], Wivenhoe. Norman Ward left.
Cat1 Yachts and yachting-->Sail-->Larger Cat2 Places-->Wivenhoe-->Shipyards

30. Launch of yacht JANMER, built for Norman Ward at Colne Marine [Guy Harding], Wivenhoe. Norman Ward left.
Date: 1962
Image ID AN09_004_001
