- sorted by ID

Found 2 images - displaying 1 to 2

1. ID PMAG_1943_008_001 Birch and Layer Breton, and Layer-de-la-Haye Parish Magazine August 1943 page 1.
Cat1 Birch-->Church

1. Birch and Layer Breton, and Layer-de-la-Haye Parish Magazine August 1943 page 1.
Date: August 1943
Image ID PMAG_1943_008_001

2. ID PMAG_1943_008_002 Birch and Layer Breton, and Layer-de-la-Haye Parish Magazine August 1943 page 2.
Cat1 Birch-->Church

2. Birch and Layer Breton, and Layer-de-la-Haye Parish Magazine August 1943 page 2.
Date: August 1943
Image ID PMAG_1943_008_002
