- sorted by ID

Found 2 images - displaying 1 to 2

1. ID PBC_015_001 Ivan Appleby. Head at Birch School 1983-1984
Cat1 Birch-->School

1. Ivan Appleby. Head at Birch School 1983-1984
Date: c1984
Image ID PBC_015_001

2. ID PBC_015_003 Letter from Ivan Appleby, Head at Birch 1983-1984

I was Acting Headteacher at Birch from 1 September 1983 to 13 April 1984. At the time I was a ...
Cat1 Birch-->School

2. Letter from Ivan Appleby, Head at Birch 1983-1984

I was Acting Headteacher at Birch from 1 September 1983 to 13 April 1984. At the time I was a ...
Date: 4 November 1999
Image ID PBC_015_003
