ID: MARG_504

TitleWill of John Page of Wolvettes, Peldon 1516
AbstractWill of John Page of Wolvettes, Peldon 6 January 1516/17 transcribed from ERO D/ACR 2/53/1

Transcription by Elaine Barker June 2022

In this pre-Reformation will, written in January 1516/17, John Page makes the usual commendations to God, St. Mary and the company of heaven and requests he be buried in Peldon churchyard. He makes bequests to the High Altar of Peldon Church, to St. Paul's, London (the Mother church) and pays for a trentall of masses (30) to be sung by the Grey Friars of Colchester for his soul, those of his parents and all Christians.

His property, Little Wolvettes, is to be left to his wife, Joan, for life and to his son, John, following her death. Should his son die without issue the property is to be sold and the proceeds used to benefit his, the testator's, soul and all Christian souls.

John asks his wife and son have annual masses for him, providing money for bread and drink and money for the priest for singing the masses. He also leaves 2d to the Sexton and money to his son, to pay for the burial and a service a month after his death.

The rest of his belongings are bequeathed to his wife and she is appointed his executrix.

Richard Sharples, the parish priest, Thomas Webb and Robert Fox among others are the witnesses to the will.

Test[amentu]m Johannis Page de peldon

In dei no[mi]ne Amen The vjth day of Januarij in the yer[e] of o[ure] lorde god
M l V C xvj [1516] I John page of Wolvett[es] w[i]t[h]in the parish of peldon be
yng in hole mynde and good memorie thankys be god al
myghti make my testament and laste will in this man[er] &
forme folowyng First I bequeth my sowle to almyghti god
to our[e] blissed lady saynt Mary and to all the \holy/ blissed com
pany of hevyn and my body to be buried w[i]t[h]in the churche
yarde of the parish beforesaide Item I bequeth to the high
Awt[er] of the church of peldon for my tithes necilgently w[i]t[h]
holden ij s Item I bequeth to the mother church of poullis
in london iiijd Also I bequeth to the place of grey Fryers w[i]t[h]in
Colchestere xs to syng a tryntall w[i]t[h]in the saide place for my
sowle for my father & mother sowllis & for all cristyn sowles
Item I will that Jone my wiff have my lond[es] and te[neme]nt[es] called
litle Wolvett[es] w[i]t[h]all the appurten[au]nc[es] therto belongyng or apper
teynyng for terme of her liff naturall and after her decese y
will it shall remayne to John my sone and his heir[es] for ev[er]
more Except he die w[i]t[h] owte Issue then y will it be solde by
myn executrice or by the executo[ur]s of her testame[n]t And the
mony therof comyng to be dissposyd by myn executrix
or by the executo[ur]s of them her as it shall seme them moste
best for the helth of my sowle And all cristen sowll[es] Item
I will that Jone my wiff and John my sone eche of them
duryng terme of ther liff[es] do kype or cause to be kept yer[e]ly
an obet for me w[i]t[h]in the church of peldon a forsaid and for
all cristen sowllis to bestowe ev[er]y yer[e] xijd in brede and drynke and
to the prest for dirige & mase vd and to the Sextyn ijd Item I
bequeth to Jon my sone vjs viijd beryng half the cost[es]
of my burying and monyth day The residue of all myn
other good[es] moveable & unmoveable I gyve unto Jone my
wiff she to pay my dett[es] and fulfill this my p[re]sent will
whome y orden and make the forsaide Jone my wiff exe
cutrice of this my testament and laste will Thes folow
yng beryng witnes of the same S[ir] Richard Sharples p[ar]ishe
prest Thomas Webbe and Roberd foxe with other moo
the day and yere above wryten

Note 1: The property, Wolvettes, appears in the wills of Rose Page, 1546, [ERO D/ABW 28/81] transcription MARG_507 and Joan Page 1523 [ERO D/ACR 2/194/1] transcription MARG_506

SourceMersea Museum