Abstract | Cook Family lived at The Gables, Melrose Road, from 1947. Kodak 8 Cine film converted to VHS tape and now DVD.
1: John, Jeremy, Janice with wooden horse, 1947
2: Gables front door with tent, 1947
3: 03m50s Mersea Island Carnival, 1948, Melrose Road
4: Ted P... ? in jacket
5. Morris 16, reg BRT66
6. Walton on the Naze beach hut (Joe Andrea in whte jacket)
7. Jeremy Cook's wife Monique in France and son Steven
Some of this is on YouTube, with description:
"Published on Jan 23, 2016
Cook family movies from 1948, using Kodak 8 cine camera, filmed by Harold Cook at The Gables, Melrose Road, Mersea Island, and at Walton-on-the-Naze seaside. This film starts with the Colchester Carnival floats [ Brian Jay believes this is Mersea Carnival] beginning in Melrose Roads, Mersea, in 1948, on their way into Colchester, including the austerity era "Waste paper for British industry" float; recycling for paper which began in WWII and continued afterwards due to the huge war debt, along with food rationing which lasted into the 1950's. Unfortunately the film quality here is not terrific, because this is an analogue VHS camera film of the projected original film on a screen, which was then converted to digital. Much better definition would be achieved by direct digital scanning of the original 8mm films, frame by frame, if Jeremy still has the original films available, provided they have not degraded chemically. Meanwhile, this version is worth preserving.
Available on YouTube - youtube.com/watch?v=RPR3C2vMvl8