TitleLast Sunday at Riding Stables
AbstractThe last Sunday at the Riding Stables in East Road, West Mersea.
Some notes with the tape say:
The Sunday Routine
Preparations in the yard, collecting ponies, break for drinks, in the field behind Empress Avenue, on the beach, return, settling horses.
Champagne (NOT routine)

Anne Watson née Knight says about this film:
"the reason it's entitled the Last Day was it was when Catchy gave up giving lessons and went over to livery. Nan died in March 1978 and Mrs Catchpole in June 1980. I think it must have been filmed in either 1972 or 3 as I left to get married in 1975. Catchy died in July 1989 just 2 days before her birthday and about a week or 10 days after returning from a trip out to Newfoundland to visit the Allen family.

Some names with thanks to Anne Watson and Carol Wyatt. They are in order of appearance with names of horses (and dog) in brackets.
Neil Hughes
Gordon Allen, [ Emigrated to New Zealand ]
Ian Timmis, [ Emigrated to Australia ]
Nell, (Catchy's Dog)
Tony Mould, , Birch Lad
Yvonn Robey, ,
Judith Hughes, , Long hair, by two white horses
02m20s Coming down the lane from Smiths Hall. Then more views of Dawes Lane, turning into East Road and then into Catchy's stables.
03m29s Phyliss Catchpole, , Catchys Mother
"Gladys ""Nan""", Peacefull, ,
Christine Chatters, ,
Sarah Williamson, "Her father Henry wrote "Tarka the Otter"
04m00s the group drinking from blue & white mugs: Judith Hughes, Christine Chatters, Tony Mould, Neill Hughes, Yvonne Robey and Ian Timmis
Mark Harrison, (Goldleaf),
Catchy, (Streak),
Ann Watson,
Mrs Harrison, (Smokey Joe)
Unknown, (Nimkin)
Mrs Groschel, (Mortisha)
Unknown, (Paddy)
Vera Stebbing, (Corky)
Miss Groschel, (Sweet Sue), Jill Keenes horse
Mandy Underwood, (Flicker), Lois Dawson bought Flicker when Catchy closed
Bert Stebbing, (Hector)
Gordon Allen, (Harkaway)
Yvonne Robey, (Pepper)
Unknown, (Czar)
Unknown, (Traveller)
Unknown, (Willow the Wisp),
Ian Timmis, (Jester)
Unknown, (Mickey), Video goes back to stable yard
Mary Williamson,
Robin Motteshaw, Boy in Red
Tracey Motteshaw,
Cynthia Motteshaw,
John Motteshaw,
Norma Appleby, enters stage left
Marjory Timmis,
Johnathan Smith,
Mary Smith, Johnathans mother in white coat

This is edited version of a longer file, saved on MMDVD012. The contents of MMDVD012 were converted from a VHS tape held by Mary Sparks. The VHS in turn came from cine film. Mary says the Last Day video was produced by Gordon Allen and filmed by Rosemary Allen. (Rosemary and Gordon Allen went to Canada in 1976)
The DVD has 3 tracks:
1. Last Sunday at Riding Stables
2. Horse Shows and Gymkhanas
("Another of the Horse Shows. Marjorie Timmis, Gordon Allen, Josie Struth amongst the adult competitors."
3. Meets, Cross Country, Dressages.

SourceVHS tape from Mary Sparks 2008.
Duration10 minutes