Will of Sebastian Cotton shoemaker of West Mersea 1 March 1618/19 transcribed from ERO D/ABW 11/171
Transcription by by Jenny Ennew October 2023 checked by Trevor Hearn
1. In the name of god amen the first day of March in the
2. xvith yeare of the Reigne of our soveraine Lorde James
3. by the grace of god now Kinge e[t]c in Anno D[om]in[e] 1618
4. I Sebastian Cotton of westmersea in the Countie of Essex
5. Shomaker beinge sick in bodie but of memorie p[er]fecte
6. thankes be god therefore doe make this my last will &
7. testament : first bequeathinge my soule to almightie god,and
8. my bodie to the earth et[c[ It[em] I give unto my mother Elizabeth
9. whicke one new payer of shooes which I made for hir
10. whensoever she or hir assignes shall demande the same
11. It[em] I give unto John Cotton my brother one shillinge
12. and to Thomas whick my halfe brother one shillinge
13. to be paide to eyther of them by my executrice when
14. soever they shall come & demande the same :It[em] all the
15. Reste of my good whatsoever detts readie monie or
16. whatsoever that I have my detts beinge paide I
17. give them unto Marie Seaborowe of westmersea
18. aforesaid widdowe in Conscideration of hir paines
19. taken with me in this my sickness : And I ordaine
20. and make the saide Marie Seaborowe sole executrice
21. of this my will to take up my detts & pay my detts
22. and see my bodie decently brought to the grounde
23. In witnesse whereof unto this my will & testament
24. I have put my hande & <.....> seale the day and
25. yeare first above written:
26. Red sealed & acknowledged
27. his last will & testament in
28. the presenc of us
29. Timo[thy] Hearne Sebastian Cotton
30. Henry During his marke
31. Gregorie Jarmine
32. his marke