Will of Petter Blowers of East Mersea 19 January 1624/25 transcribed from ERO D/ACW 9/203
Transcription by Meg Ross and Maggie Anderson July 2022
1 In the name of God Amen the xixth [19th] day of
2 January in the ijth [22nd] yeare of the Raigne of o[ur] most
3 Gratious lord Kinge James kinge of England Scotland
4 France and Eyerland deffender of the Faith Anno Domi[n]e
5 1624. I Petter Blowers of Eastm[er]sey in the County
6 of Essex Tayler being sicke in body But of Good
7 and p[er]fitt Remembrence thankes be geven to God for
8 yet do ordayne and macke this my last well and
9 Testament in maner and Forme following First
10 I geve and bequeth my Soulle to almighty god my
11 Cretor and to Jesus Christ my Redemer by whom
12 my suer Trist and Confidince is to be saved and my
13 body to the Earth at the decration of my Executor
14 It[e]m I do geve and bequeth \unto/ Petter Blowers my sonne
15 one Ewe shepe to be deliv[er]ed p[re]sently \after/ my dessase
16 and Thre Poundes of Curent mony of England to be
17 payd to him when he shall com[e] to the age of xxj years
18 allso I geve unto him a Framed tabell and Thre Jo[i]ned
19 stoles \and a forme/ iij huches and bed a boulster a pellow a blanket and
20 a Cov[er]ing to be deliv[er]ed to him at the dessease of Susane
21 my wyfe It[e]m I do geve and bequaeth unto Susana my
22 daughter Thre Poundes of Curent mony of England
23 to be payd unto hur att the age of xxj yeares and my well
24 and mening is that yf Petter my sonn and Susana my
25 daughter do yther of them dep[ar]t this life befor thay
26 do come to the age of xxj yeares \and w[i]thout hayer[es]/ the one of them to be
27 the other[es] hayer and yf both of them doth dep[ar]t this life
28 befor thay shall com to the ages of xxj year[es] and yther of
29 them without hayer[es] and Susanna my wife then living
30 then I geve the aforsayd Sixe poundes unto Susane
31 my wyfe . But yf Susana my wyfe be dead before
32 any of my Children Petter or Susana then I do
33 geve Five poundes of the aforsayd Sexe poundes unto
34 William Blowers my Brother and Twenty shillinges
35 unto \Hewe?/ Blowers my Brother
36 Item xx\I geve/ unto Susana my daughter my best bed and
37 a bed stedell a boulster and ij pillowes and a Cov[er]inge
38 one small huch a lettell boxe and Cobboard to be deliv[er]ed
39 at the dessease of Susana my wyfe all the Rest of my
40 Goodes unbequethed I do geve unto Susana my Wife
41 whom I do macke my sole Executor to se this my
42 well proved my deptes payd and the legeces in
43 this my well to be payd and my body in decent sort
44 browght to the Earth and this my well in Ev[er]y poynt
45 p[er]formed as my suer Trist (sure trust) and Confidece in hur is
Sealled & deliv[er]ed in the p[re]sentes
of us and befor the Sealing thes
wordes Twenty shillinges unto
Hewe Blower[es] my Brother
wer[?] playn I do geve unto Susana
My daughter wer playn
p[er] me John Pollard | |
John Goodwin | Petter |
| his m[ar]ke |
| |
| Blowers |