Will of Margaret Comyns of Peldon widow 2 December 1607 transcribed from Essex Record Office document D/ABW 10/229
Transcriber Elaine Barker
1. In the name of god amen the Seconde day of december in the fift yeare of the reigne of our sov[er]eigne
2. Lord James by the grace of god of England Frannce and Ireland King defendo[ur] of the faithe &c[etera] and of Scotland the one and
3. fortith and in the yeare of our Lord God 1607 I margarett Com[m]yns of Peldon in the Countye of Essex & in the diocesse of London
4. Widowe being sickly & weake of body but of good & p[er]fecte memory thank[es] be gyven to god therefore doe ordeyne and make this
5. my laste will and testament in manner and forme following That is to saye first I Com[m]ende my sowle into the hand[es] of
6. almyghtie god my Creator & redeamour and my body to be buried in the Churche yard of Peldon aforesaid Item I gyve to Stephen
7. Comyns my sonne twelve pence of Lawfull englishe money and to John Com[m]yns my sonne twelve pence of like lawfull
8. money Item I gyve & bequeath to Robert Com[m]yns my sonne three pound[es] of lawfull money of England to be payd to hym w[i]thin
9. three monthes next after my decease Item I gyve & bequeath to Gregory Jarman my grannd childe fower ewe sheepe to bee delyv[er]ed unto
10. hym w[i]thin one monthe next after my decease Item I give & bequeathe to fower of the poorest people of Peldon aforesaid to every of
11. them sixteene pence to be payd to them at the tyme of my buriall at the discression of my Executors and whereas I intended to gyve &
12. bestowe the rest of all my good[es] & Chattell[es] whatsoever not before gyven & bequeathed in this my last will unto Margarett Jarman
13. my daughter the wiffe of John Jarman but not intending that the same should be at the ordering of the said John hir said husband
14. I doe there fore gyve & bequeathe the said residewe of all my good[e]s chattell[es] houshould stuff moveables & unmoveables unto my honest
15. and trustye frend[es] John Potter and William Ellys to the intente that they shall after my funerall p[er]formed my dett[es] payde & the
16. legacies above bequeathed duly satisfied & delyvered well & faythfully implie and bestowe uppon my said daughter & heires in their good
17. discressions all the said good[es] chattell[e]s howshold stuffe moveables & unmoveables from tyme to tyme as by them shalbe thought meetest
18.& convenient And for the beter p[re]formance thereof I doe desiere nomynate & appoynt the said John Potter & William Ellys my Executors
19. of this my laste will & testament and doe gyve to eche of them for their paynes & Care herein to be by them imployed / [..........corner of will torn off]
20. all charges by them herein to be laied out & their travell to them allowed out of my said good[es] xij d In w[itness..................I.]
21. have to this my last will & testam[en]t sett my hand the day & yeare above written in the p[re]sence of
Thomas Milbank the marke of margarett
richard burton
his marke commyns
John gale
his marke