Will of Thomas Bullock, Carpenter of Peldon 25 January 1706 transcribed from Essex Record Office document D/ABW 79/7
Transcriber Elaine Barker July 2019
1. In the name of God Amen I Thomas Bullock of the parish
2. of peldon in the County of Essex Carpenter being Sick and Weak \in body/
3. but of a Sound & p[er]fect disposeing mind & Memory God be praised for
4. it do make this my last Will and [t]estam[en]t in manner following
5. hereby revooking all former and other Wills by me here to foure made
6. & declared and I do declare this to be my last Will & Testamen]
7. And first I comend my Soul to god & my body I Commit to
8. the Earth from whence it came to be decently buryed at the
9. discretion of my Executor hereafter named And as to my
10. Worldly Estate wherewith God hath been pleased to bestow uppon
11. me I dispose thereof as followeth (that is to say) I will that
12. all my debt which I owe to any p[er]son or p[er]sons whatsoever be well
13. and truly paid and satisfyed by my E[xecu]tor hereafter named
14. Item I give and bequeath unto my Son John Bullock one Shillinge
15. no more and also my will and mind is and I do here by Order and
16. appoint my Executor here after named to deliver to him the s[ai]d John
17. Bullock all such goods as belong to him & mentioned in a certain Inventory
18. now in his possession a week after my deceasi. Item All the rest
19. and residue of my Goods and Chattles whatsoever and whomsoev[er]
20. remaining unbequeathed I give & dispose thereof as followeth
21. that is to say one halfe p[ar]te thereof to my daughter Elizabeth
22. Brown [or Bream?] of East Donyland Widow and \the other half/ to my Grandson John
23. Bullock and his heires And I doo here by Nominate and
24. Appoint Edward Digby Sole & onely Executo[ur] of this my last
25. will and testament in witniss whereof I have herewith set
26. my hand & Seal this Thirteenth day of January Anno D[omi]ni
Signed Sealed published &
declared by the Testator his mark
in our p[r]esence & by Thomas Bullock
us subscribed in his presence
& the other half in....ed first
John Buniolus [?]
Hen[ry] Browne [or Borame?]
Robert Wright Jan 25 1706/7
Edw[ard] Digby was the sworn
Executor of Tho[mas] Bullock's
Will, by
Thos. Bennet surrog[ate]
The following appears on the left hand side of the document
Thome [ Note 1 ] Bullock nuper [ Note 2 ] de Peldon.
defuncti /
prob[atus]. [ Note 3 ] 25 Feb[rua]ry 1706/7
Thomas Bullock Will
Note 1 As this section is in Latin, I think the first name may be Thome, the genitive of his name in Latin
Note 2 ie recently
Note 3 possibly prob[atus] if it's a nominative ending
Read More
Abstract of Bullock Wills
Bullock family - the Peldon Connection