Will of Joan Bullock of West Mersea 1 January 1624 transcribed from Essex Record Office doument D/ABW 46/101
A widow, she leaves a joined bed, two featherbeds with their blankets, sheets and pillows to her daughter Anna Bullock. Her executor is her son, Henry, to whom she leaves an unspecified legacy bequeathed by his father to be delivered upon Joan's death. Joan leaves 10 shillings to the poor.
Transcription by Sophie Weaver January 2021
In the name of God Amen the sixt day of Januarye in the foure and twentie yeare
of the raigne of our sovereigne Lord King James w[hi]ch now is Anno D[omi]ni 1624. I Joan Bullock
of West mersea in the Countie of Essex widdow being sick in body but sound and perfect in mind and memory thanks be given to God for it doe ordaine and mak[e] this my last will and testament
in maner and forme as followeth frist I bequeath my soule unto almightie god who gave it and my body to be buried whear it shall please god to appoynte it. Item I give and bequeath unto Anna Bullok my daughter my Joyned bedsted standing in the parlor w[i]th the two feather beds lying theron, w[i]th a birded[?] coverlet, a paire of blankets, I boulster, a fether on[e] and a flokke (stuffed with scraps of material) on[e] w[i]th two pillowes & pillowbears (pillow-cases) and my cubbord in the parlor and the lining Cubbert[?] cloth with 2 paire of sheets and a bearing sheet (used to wrap a new-born baby)
also I give unto her my best long boordcloth and on[e] half dozen of napkins of the
worst and thre[e] of the best w[i]th the yellow(?) chest in the chamber over the hall with all my
wearing apparell both lining (linen) and wollen my mid[d]le brasse pot and my best great kettell Item I
give unto the sayd Anna my daughter fifteen pounds to be payd to her by my executor hereafter named either at the age of one and twentie or else at her marriage day which cometh first. \Item I give ten shillings to the poore/ & It[em] I give unto
Henery Bullock my sonne all the residue of my unbequeathed goods in satisfaction of a debt or leg =
acye which was left him by his father after my decease . which sonne I ordaine and appoint my
sole executor to this my last my will and testament to see my body decently buried my will proved
and all my legasies performed Unto which present writting Containing my last will and testament
I do[e] hear unto set my \hand &/ seale the day and year above written in the present of those presents
Sealed and delivered as my last will Joane Bullock
Richard Harison X
Robard Mann her marke
John Foocks
his marke /
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Abstract of Bullock Wills