Abstract | The Will of Agnes Bullock of Great Wigborough 1575/6 ERO D/ABW 4/351
Widow of John Bullock 1575 . It would appear she was buried 11th February 1575/6 almost a year after her husband. The will is dated 12 January 1575/76. Her children are John (eldest) Edward, Robert, Henry, and Marye. The four youngest are all under 21.
Transcription by Elaine Barker November 2020
1. In the name of God, Amen. the xijth daye of Januarie \A[nn]o d[o]m[ini]/ 1575 and in the xviij yere of the Raigne of o[u]r Sov[er]aign lady Elizabethe by the
2. grace of God Queene of Ingland Fraunce & Ierland defender of the faythe &c[etera] I Agnes Bullocke of much wigborowe
3. in the Countye of Essex \wydowe/ and in the Dioces of London beinge Sycke of Bodye but yet of good & p[er]fect memorye
4. (thankes be to God) \doe/ constitute ordeyne and make this my p[re]sent Testame[n]t co[n]teyninge herein my laste
5. will in manner & forme folowinge. First I bequeath my soule to Almighty God my Creato[ur] Redemer
6. Sanctyfier & onely Saviour, and my body to be buryed in the Church yard of much wigborowe aforeseid
7. Ite[m] I bequeathe unto the Poore of the p[ar]ishe of wigborowe afresaid iij sh iiij d to be
deliv[er]ed unto the col[lector?][torn]
8. of the seid p[ar]isshe by myne executor w[i]thin half A yere next after my decease. Ite[m] I will and
9. bequeath unto Edward \Bullocke/ my sonne One Cowe to be deliv[er]ed to him at the Age of xxj yeres Also I
10. will unto Robert Bullocke my sonne two kene [cows] and eight sheepe to be deliv[er]ed to him at the Age
11. of xxj yeres by myne executor. Ite[m] I gyve unto Henrye Bullocke my sonne two kene & eight
12. shepe to be deliv[er]ed to him at the Age of xxviij yeres Also I [illegible - fold in page] bequeath unto marye
13. Bullocke my daughter three keene and eight shepe to be deliv[er]ed unto her at the age of xxviij
14. yeres. Ite[m] I gyve the seid marye Bullocke my daughter , An olde Aungell [gold coin], one Bearinge
shete, [Note 1] two
15. pillowe Beres, [pillow cases] one of holland & an other lockoru[m], fyve yerd kerchiefes of hollond
fower bayles of hollond [Note 2]
16. fyve Quarters [Note 3] of holland, A payer of Sylver hookes, and A sylver Pynne, Also I gyve unto the
17. seid, marye the great chest standinge in the chamber to locke uppe all the lynnen therin w[hi]ch I
18. have gyven her. Ite[m] I gyve unto John Bullocke my sonne the Table standinge in the hall w[i]th
19. two formes belonginge therto, and the lytle chest standinge by my beds feete ./ moreover I bequeath unto
20. the seyd John my sonne, All my Corne, cheese, Butter, w[it]h all other my victuall beinge nowe in
21. my howse, And all my Swyne and Powltrye. Ite[m] I will that Edward Bullocke my sonne have
22. repayed unto him by myne executor fower poundes of lawfull money of Ingland w[hi]ch I borrowed
23. of him. Ite[m] I gyve to goodwief wilson of mersea my wosted Aprone. Ite[m] I gyve to Elizabethe
24. waldon A shepe./ Ite[m] I will that all other my howshold stuff beinge nowe w[i]thin my mansion howse
25. be rightly prysed & equally devyded by Indifferent men [i.e. impartial] amonge my fyve children, viz. John, Edward,
26. Robert, henrye & marye by equall p[ar]tes & portions./ Ite[m] I will that if any of the three youngest of
27. my foreseid children namely Robert, henry or marye doe depart their naturall lyfe before thei
28. Atteyne to their foreseid Ages that then the seid goodes shall remayne to the survivour or survivo[ur]s
29. of the seid three Robert henry \or/ marye to be devided by equall partes. All my other goodes
30. And chattels unbequeathed I will unto the seid John my sonne payeng my legacies, whome
31. I constitute ordeyne & make sole executor of this my last will & Testament ./ And if it shall
32. chaunce the seid John to dye before my foreseid children be of Age and the seid legacies
33. unpayed, or that he shall refuse to kepe them honestly w[i]th meate drinke & clothinge then I
34. will that hughe waldon of Toth[a]m magna, my brotherinlawe shall have the education of my
35. seid children & shall enter uppon recover and enioye all such goodes and Cattels whatsoev[er]
36. the foreseid John myne executor did holde and possede [possess OED] to the use of my foreseid children by
37. vertue of this my laste will and testament in such form and manner as my seid executor did
38. holde and possede them. Also I ordeyne and Appoynt Will[ia]m maldon of Tolshunt maior sup[er]viso[ur]
39. of this my laste will & Testament & I gyve to him for his paynes iij sh iiij d.
40. witnesses of this p[re]sent Testament
41. Randoll wymsley Clerke Robert lingwoode
42. hughe waldon will[ia]m maldon and
43. will[ia]m Phisten wryter [Latin phrase to say probate was granted 12th March 1575]
Note 1: A bearing sheet was a piece of cloth, typically of high quality used to wrap a baby in at baptism.
'In historical use chiefly with reference to the case of Richard Hunne who in 1515 refused to give the parish priest
his child's bearing sheet as a mortuary.' O.E.D. online
Note 2: holland was a linen fabric from Holland, Each bayle contained 60 pieces, so this represented
a large quantity of imported cloth from Holland. Lockram was also a linen cloth
Note 3: Quarters: cloth was measured in quarter yards.
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Abstract of Bullock Wills
Bullock family of Great Wigborough