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 Birch School 1946. Gilbert House Sports Team - Interhouse Football and Netball.

Back row 1. T.B. Millatt, 2. Kathleen Cresswell, 3. Mary Vanningsberg, 4. John / Geof Tatchell ?, 5. Cyril Everett, 6. Michael / John Woods, 7. Audrey King, 8. Pat Thimblebee, 9. Teacher

Middle Row 1. Dorothy Theobald, 2. John Martin, 3. Margaret Cresswell, 4. Jean Munson, 5. Stella Woods.

Front row 1. ...
Cat1 Birch-->School

Birch School 1946. Gilbert House Sports Team - Interhouse Football and Netball.
Back row 1. T.B. Millatt, 2. Kathleen Cresswell, 3. Mary Vanningsberg, 4. John / Geof Tatchell ?, 5. Cyril Everett, 6. Michael / John Woods, 7. Audrey King, 8. Pat Thimblebee, 9. Teacher
Middle Row 1. Dorothy Theobald, 2. John Martin, 3. Margaret Cresswell, 4. Jean Munson, 5. Stella Woods.
Front row 1. Raymond Maxim, 2. Fredrick Johnson ?, 3. Gordon Theobald, 4., 5., 6.
Names via Pat Adkins.
Date: 1946      

Photo: Mersea Museum - Elaine Bowtle Collection
Image ID ELB_SCH_143
Category 1 Birch-->School


This image is part of the Mersea Museum Collection.