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 Birch School in 1903. 

Back row

2nd row from back 1., 2., 3. Walter 'George' Taylor (brother of Albert), 4., 5., 6., 7., 8. 9., 10. Mr Chandler, Headmaster


Front row 1., 2., 3. Albert 'Bert' Taylor (Anne Taylor's paternal grandfather), 4., 5., 6. Charles Pettican, 7. 8. 
Cat1 Birch-->School

Birch School in 1903.
Back row
2nd row from back 1., 2., 3. Walter 'George' Taylor (brother of Albert), 4., 5., 6., 7., 8. 9., 10. Mr Chandler, Headmaster
Front row 1., 2., 3. Albert 'Bert' Taylor (Anne Taylor's paternal grandfather), 4., 5., 6. Charles Pettican, 7. 8.
Date: 1903      

Photo: Mersea Museum - Elaine Bowtle Collection
Image ID ELB_SCH_047
Category 1 Birch-->School


This image is part of the Mersea Museum Collection.