17 of 64 Slide Show Running

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 Birch Church Fellowship Pilgrimmage to Leiston Abbey, Suffolk.

L-R: Mr & Mrs Boreham, Em Everitt, Miss Smith (Birch organist).

Front 1. Felicity Armstrong, 2. Nanny Brewer, Miss Spooner.
Photo 93 11. TBM. 
Cat1 Birch-->Church

Birch Church Fellowship Pilgrimmage to Leiston Abbey, Suffolk.
L-R: Mr & Mrs Boreham, Em Everitt, Miss Smith (Birch organist).
Front 1. Felicity Armstrong, 2. Nanny Brewer, Miss Spooner. Photo 93 11. TBM.
Date: 31 March 1962      

Photo: Pat Adkins - T.B. Millatt
Image ID PBA_093_011
Category 1 Birch-->Church


This image is part of the Mersea Museum Collection.