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 The Board Walk timbers in their pit under the floor in the main hall of the Museum. They are here waiting for the glass cover - which was fitted March 2022.

The boards are oak, dated to the Late Bronze Age 'not before 952 BC' by dendrochronology (tree ring dating). The cuts can be seen in two of the boards where a section was temporarily removed for dating.
The boards are just under 8 ...
Cat1 Museum-->History Cat2 Museum-->Artefacts and Contents

The Board Walk timbers in their pit under the floor in the main hall of the Museum. They are here waiting for the glass cover - which was fitted March 2022.

The boards are oak, dated to the Late Bronze Age 'not before 952 BC' by dendrochronology (tree ring dating). The cuts can be seen in two of the boards where a section was temporarily removed for dating. The boards are just under 8 feet or 2.5 metres long.
Date: 31 May 2021      

Photo: Mersea Museum - David Cooper Collection
Image ID DC10_MUS_121
Category 1 Museum-->History
Category 2 Museum-->Artefacts and Contents


This image is part of the Mersea Museum Collection.