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 Birch School - an aerial view in the late 1950s, source unknown. The new staff room and toilet block are visible, built in 1957. The top of the church spire can just be seen lower right.

The black wooden building in the garden centre left was originally built as a guide or scout hut, but was doubled in size c1935 to form the Science Room.

Along the far (western) boundary are ...
Cat1 Birch-->School

Birch School - an aerial view in the late 1950s, source unknown. The new staff room and toilet block are visible, built in 1957. The top of the church spire can just be seen lower right.

The black wooden building in the garden centre left was originally built as a guide or scout hut, but was doubled in size c1935 to form the Science Room.
Along the far (western) boundary are the 'New' Classroom and the Domestic Science Room. The 'New' Classroom was a 'Horsa' pre-fabricated built 1948 to make accommodation for extra numbers when the school leaving age was raised to 15. The Domestic Science Room was also used for woodwork. It had green corrugated iron walls abd was built about 1911.
The front building at the right hand (northern) end was built for WW2 as a 'Rest Centre' for emergency accommodation in case of bombing. At the end of the War the 'Rest Centre' became the Dining Hall, with the intoduction of the School meals system and a kitche was built adjoining it. [T.B. Millatt]

During WW2 two blocks of Air Raid Shelters were built. One block (of two shelters) is visible in the top right corner of the site. The other block is missing. Perhaps it was where the 'New Classroom' was built. [TM]
Date: After 1957      

Photo: Mersea Museum - T.B. Millatt
Image ID TBM_SCH_001
Category 1 Birch-->School


This image is part of the Mersea Museum Collection.