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 Stanley Hills in 1923 aged 13 with Family Four wireless set built by him, including construction of variable condensers etc.

Bright Emitter valves.

6 volt Accumulator

60 volt H.T. Dry Battery (Not Seen).

At 40, Pownall Crescent, Colchester.

This is a large photograph behind glass in a frame, donated to the Museum. The notes above are from the back of the picture. 
Cat1 People-->Other Cat2 Museum-->Artefacts and Contents

Stanley Hills in 1923 aged 13 with "Family Four" wireless set built by him, including construction of variable condensers etc.
Bright Emitter valves.
6 volt Accumulator
60 volt H.T. Dry Battery (Not Seen).

At 40, Pownall Crescent, Colchester.
This is a large photograph behind glass in a frame, donated to the Museum. The notes above are from the back of the picture.
Date: 1923      

Photo: Mersea Museum
Image ID MMC_P1155B
Category 2 Museum-->Artefacts and Contents


This image is part of the Mersea Museum Collection.