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 From Sailing Ships Through the Ages - drawings by F.B. Harnack. Page 54.


The tan-sailed spritsail barge is one of the few surviving types of sailing craft to be seen round our coasts. Though used mainly for coasting work, the Thames Barge is a familiar sight in near Continental ports. These vessels have flat bottoms but are fitted with leeboards to counteract leeway. ...
Cat1 Art-->Fid Harnack Cat2 Barges-->Pictures

From Sailing Ships Through the Ages - drawings by F.B. Harnack. Page 54.

The tan-sailed spritsail barge is one of the few surviving types of sailing craft to be seen round our coasts. Though used mainly for coasting work, the Thames Barge is a familiar sight in near Continental ports. These vessels have flat bottoms but are fitted with leeboards to counteract leeway. The crew usually consists of two men and they carry about 100 tons of cargo.

Photo: Fid Harnack Collection
Image ID FID_001_105
Category 1 Art-->Fid Harnack


This image is part of the Mersea Museum Collection.