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 Houseboats. ERYCINA (left) and EVANDRA (Fifie) formerly WMYC headquarters. In 1910 EVANDRA is mentioned in Yachting World [BOX115_001] as providing accommodation for nine members. The EVANDRA had been bought by Mersea Yacht Club (as West Mersea Yacht Club was initially known) from their Captain, Frederick Leith. She was sold in 1916.

Another copy of this card was posted 18 September 1913. 
Cat1 Mersea-->Houseboats Cat2 Mersea-->Coast Road

Houseboats. ERYCINA (left) and EVANDRA (Fifie) formerly WMYC headquarters. In 1910 EVANDRA is mentioned in Yachting World [BOX115_001] as providing accommodation for nine members. The EVANDRA had been bought by Mersea Yacht Club (as West Mersea Yacht Club was initially known) from their Captain, Frederick Leith. She was sold in 1916.
Another copy of this card was posted 18 September 1913.
Date: Before September 1913      

Photo: Carol Wyatt
Image ID CW5_093
Category 1 Mersea-->Houseboats
Category 2 Mersea-->Coast Road


This image is part of the Mersea Museum Collection.