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 Birch School c1957. Photo taken in the school gardens. 

L-R 1. June Norfolk (House Captain Harvey), 2. Veronica Bartlett (Ray), 3. Jill Davis (Gilberd), 4. Anita Lynch (Head Girl), 
5. Graham Fidler (Head Boy), 6. Brian Chaplin (House Captain Harvey) 
7. Gordon Meekings (Ray), 8. Tony Francis (Gilberd).

Cat1 Birch-->School

Birch School c1957. Photo taken in the school gardens.
L-R 1. June Norfolk (House Captain Harvey), 2. Veronica Bartlett (Ray), 3. Jill Davis (Gilberd), 4. Anita Lynch (Head Girl), 5. Graham Fidler (Head Boy), 6. Brian Chaplin (House Captain Harvey) 7. Gordon Meekings (Ray), 8. Tony Francis (Gilberd).

Date: c1957      

Photo: Mersea Museum - Brian Chaplin
Image ID CLN_SCH_001
Category 1 Birch-->School


This image is part of the Mersea Museum Collection.