| Date Page | Surname Forenames | Household / Address or Place | Relationship Age or Dates | Occupation | | Source |
| 2 April 1871 GWG Dist 1 P2 2 | Say Martha | 7. Colchester Road, Great Wigborough | Wife Age 48 yrs | | | Great Wigborough Census1871 |
| 2 April 1871 GWG Dist 1 P2 3 | Say Eliza | 7. Colchester Road, Great Wigborough | Daughter Age 19 yrs | Tayloress | | Great Wigborough Census1871 |
| 2 April 1871 GWG Dist 1 P2 4 | Say Walter | 7. Colchester Road, Great Wigborough | Son Age 16 yrs | Agricultural Labourer | | Great Wigborough Census1871 |
| 2 April 1871 GWG Dist 1 P2 5 | Say Henritta | 7. Colchester Road, Great Wigborough | Daughter Age 14 yrs | Tayloress | | Great Wigborough Census1871 |
| 2 April 1871 GWG Dist 1 P2 6 | Say Thomas | 7. Colchester Road, Great Wigborough | Son Age 12 yrs | Agricultural Labourer | | Great Wigborough Census1871 |
| 2 April 1871 GWG Dist 1 P2 7 | Say Edward | 7. Colchester Road, Great Wigborough | Son Age 10 yrs | Scholar | | Great Wigborough Census1871 |
| 2 April 1871 GWG Dist 1 P2 8 | Say Cecil J. | 7. Colchester Road, Great Wigborough | Son Age 7 yrs | Scholar | | Great Wigborough Census1871 |
| 2 April 1871 GWG Dist 1 P2 9 | Say Ernest G. | 7. Colchester Road, Great Wigborough | Grand Son Age 4 yrs | Scholar | | Great Wigborough Census1871 |
| 2 April 1871 GWG Dist 1 P2 10 | Vince John | 8. Colchester Road, Great Wigborough | Head Age 37 yrs | Agricultural Labourer | | Great Wigborough Census1871 |
| 2 April 1871 GWG Dist 1 P2 11 | Vince Mary Ann | 8. Colchester Road, Great Wigborough | Wife Age 36 yrs | | | Great Wigborough Census1871 |
| 2 April 1871 GWG Dist 1 P2 12 | Vince Mary Ann | 8. Colchester Road, Great Wigborough | Daughter Age 10 yrs | Scholar | | Great Wigborough Census1871 |
| 2 April 1871 GWG Dist 1 P2 13 | Vince Hannah | 8. Colchester Road, Great Wigborough | Daughter Age 7 yrs | Scholar | | Great Wigborough Census1871 |
| 2 April 1871 GWG Dist 1 P2 14 | Vince Ester | 8. Colchester Road, Great Wigborough | Daughter Age 5 yrs | Scholar | | Great Wigborough Census1871 |
| 2 April 1871 GWG Dist 1 P2 15 | Vince Henry | 8. Colchester Road, Great Wigborough | Son Age 2 yrs | | | Great Wigborough Census1871 |
| 2 April 1871 GWG Dist 1 P2 16 | Mickelfield Isaac | 9. Workhouse Lane, Great Wigborough | Head Age 38 yrs | Agricultural Labourer | | Great Wigborough Census1871 |
| 2 April 1871 GWG Dist 1 P2 17 | Mickelfield Mary | 9. Workhouse Lane, Great Wigborough | Wife Age 28 yrs | | | Great Wigborough Census1871 |
| 2 April 1871 GWG Dist 1 P2 18 | Mickelfield William | 9. Workhouse Lane, Great Wigborough | Son Age 7 yrs | Scholar | | Great Wigborough Census1871 |
| 2 April 1871 GWG Dist 1 P2 19 | Mickelfield Ellen M. | 9. Workhouse Lane, Great Wigborough | Daughter Age 5 yrs | Scholar | | Great Wigborough Census1871 |
| 2 April 1871 GWG Dist 1 P2 20 | Mickelfield Amelia | 9. Workhouse Lane, Great Wigborough | Mother Age 77 yrs | Pauper | | Great Wigborough Census1871 |
| 2 April 1871 GWG Dist 1 P2 21 | Smith Abraham | 10. Workhouse Lane, Great Wigborough | Head Age 39 yrs | Agricultural Labourer | | Great Wigborough Census1871 |
| 2 April 1871 GWG Dist 1 P2 22 | Smith Marey | 10. Workhouse Lane, Great Wigborough | Wife Age 48 yrs | | | Great Wigborough Census1871 |
| 2 April 1871 GWG Dist 1 P2 23 | Smith John A. | 10. Workhouse Lane, Great Wigborough | Son Age 18 yrs | Agricultural Labourer | | Great Wigborough Census1871 |
| 2 April 1871 GWG Dist 1 P2 24 | Smith Sarah E. | 10. Workhouse Lane, Great Wigborough | Daughter Age 14 yrs | | | Great Wigborough Census1871 |
| 2 April 1871 GWG Dist 1 P3 1 | Ingate Benjamin | 11. Workhouse Lane, Great Wigborough | Head Age 59 yrs | Agricultural Labourer | | Great Wigborough Census1871 |
| 2 April 1871 GWG Dist 1 P3 2 | Ingate Jane | 11. Workhouse Lane, Great Wigborough | Wife Age 49 yrs | Tayloress | | Great Wigborough Census1871 |
| 2 April 1871 GWG Dist 1 P3 3 | Ingate Rebecca | 11. Workhouse Lane, Great Wigborough | Daughter Age 27 yrs | Tayloress | | Great Wigborough Census1871 |
| 2 April 1871 GWG Dist 1 P3 4 | Ingate John | 11. Workhouse Lane, Great Wigborough | Son Age 26 yrs | Agricultural Labourer | | Great Wigborough Census1871 |
| 2 April 1871 GWG Dist 1 P3 5 | Ingate Barzillai | 11. Workhouse Lane, Great Wigborough | Son Age 18 yrs | Agricultural Labourer | | Great Wigborough Census1871 |
| 2 April 1871 GWG Dist 1 P3 6 | Ingate Ebeneza | 11. Workhouse Lane, Great Wigborough | Son Age 16 yrs | Agricultural Labourer | | Great Wigborough Census1871 |
| 2 April 1871 GWG Dist 1 P3 7 | Ingate Emanuel | 11. Workhouse Lane, Great Wigborough | Son Age 14 yrs | Agricultural Labourer | | Great Wigborough Census1871 |
| 2 April 1871 GWG Dist 1 P3 8 | Ingate Bartram | 11. Workhouse Lane, Great Wigborough | Son Age 3 yrs | | | Great Wigborough Census1871 |
| 2 April 1871 GWG Dist 1 P3 9 | Osborne James | 12. Workhouse Lane, Great Wigborough | Head Age 42 yrs | Agricultural Labourer | | Great Wigborough Census1871 |
| 2 April 1871 GWG Dist 1 P3 10 | Osborne Emma | 12. Workhouse Lane, Great Wigborough | Wife Age 45 yrs | | | Great Wigborough Census1871 |
| 2 April 1871 GWG Dist 1 P3 11 | Osborne Stephen | 12. Workhouse Lane, Great Wigborough | Son Age 16 yrs | Agricultural Labourer | | Great Wigborough Census1871 |
| 2 April 1871 GWG Dist 1 P3 12 | Osborne Eliza | 12. Workhouse Lane, Great Wigborough | Daughter Age 11 yrs | Scholar | | Great Wigborough Census1871 |
| 2 April 1871 GWG Dist 1 P3 13 | Rowe Benjamin | 13. Workhouse Lane, Great Wigborough | Head Age 52 yrs | Agricultural Labourer | | Great Wigborough Census1871 |
| 2 April 1871 GWG Dist 1 P3 14 | Rowe Mary Ann | 13. Workhouse Lane, Great Wigborough | Wife Age 45 yrs | | | Great Wigborough Census1871 |
| 2 April 1871 GWG Dist 1 P3 15 | Rowe George W. | 13. Workhouse Lane, Great Wigborough | Son Age 9 yrs | Scholar | | Great Wigborough Census1871 |
| 2 April 1871 GWG Dist 1 P3 16 | Willshire John | 14. Workhouse Lane, Great Wigborough | Head Age 60 yrs | Agricultural Labourer | | Great Wigborough Census1871 |
| 2 April 1871 GWG Dist 1 P3 17 | Willshire Biney | 14. Workhouse Lane, Great Wigborough | Wife Age 62 yrs | | | Great Wigborough Census1871 |
| 2 April 1871 GWG Dist 1 P3 18 | Willshire Charles W. | 14. Workhouse Lane, Great Wigborough | Son Age 24 yrs | Seaman | | Great Wigborough Census1871 |
| 2 April 1871 GWG Dist 1 P3 19 | Keeble Fanny | 15. Workhouse Lane, Great Wigborough | Head Age 49 yrs | Late Laundress | | Great Wigborough Census1871 |
| 2 April 1871 GWG Dist 1 P3 20 | Keeble Edward | 15. Workhouse Lane, Great Wigborough | Son Age 24 yrs | Agricultural Labourer | | Great Wigborough Census1871 |
| 2 April 1871 GWG Dist 1 P3 21 | Hyam Samuel | 16. Colchester Road, Great Wigborough | Head Age 32 yrs | Hawker | | Great Wigborough Census1871 |
| 2 April 1871 GWG Dist 1 P3 22 | Hyam Lucy | 16. Colchester Road, Great Wigborough | Wife Age 34 yrs | | | Great Wigborough Census1871 |
| 2 April 1871 GWG Dist 1 P3 23 | Hyam Margaret S. | 16. Colchester Road, Great Wigborough | Daughter Age 7 yrs | Scholar | | Great Wigborough Census1871 |
| 2 April 1871 GWG Dist 1 P3 24 | Hyam Amos | 16. Colchester Road, Great Wigborough | Son Age 8 Mon | | | Great Wigborough Census1871 |
| 2 April 1871 GWG Dist 1 P4 1 | Hyam Samuel | 17. Colchester Road, Great Wigborough | Head Age 31 yrs | Agricultural Labourer | | Great Wigborough Census1871 |
| 2 April 1871 GWG Dist 1 P4 2 | Hyam Lucy | 17. Colchester Road, Great Wigborough | Wife Age 26 yrs | Tayloress | | Great Wigborough Census1871 |
| 2 April 1871 GWG Dist 1 P4 3 | Hyam Elizabeth | 17. Colchester Road, Great Wigborough | Daughter Age 7 yrs | Scholar | | Great Wigborough Census1871 |
| 2 April 1871 GWG Dist 1 P4 4 | Hyam Cornelius J. | 17. Colchester Road, Great Wigborough | Son Age 5 yrs | Scholar | | Great Wigborough Census1871 |
| 2 April 1871 GWG Dist 1 P4 5 | Hyam William | 17. Colchester Road, Great Wigborough | Son Age 2 yrs | | | Great Wigborough Census1871 |
| 2 April 1871 GWG Dist 1 P4 6 | Hyam Charles | 17. Colchester Road, Great Wigborough | Son Age 1 Mon | | | Great Wigborough Census1871 |
| 2 April 1871 GWG Dist 1 P4 7 | Coldham Hannah | 18. Colchester Road, Great Wigborough | Head Age 56 yrs | Tayloress | | Great Wigborough Census1871 |
| 2 April 1871 GWG Dist 1 P4 8 | Coldham Selina | 18. Colchester Road, Great Wigborough | Daughter Age 17 yrs | Tayloress | | Great Wigborough Census1871 |
| 2 April 1871 GWG Dist 1 P4 9 | Coldham Walter | 18. Colchester Road, Great Wigborough | Son Age 14 yrs | Agricultural Labourer | | Great Wigborough Census1871 |
| 2 April 1871 GWG Dist 1 P4 10 | Taylor Timothy | 19. Staffords Corner, Great Wigborough | Head Age 74 yrs | Agricultural Labourer | | Great Wigborough Census1871 |
| 2 April 1871 GWG Dist 1 P4 11 | Taylor Sarah | 19. Staffords Corner, Great Wigborough | Wife Age 82 yrs | | | Great Wigborough Census1871 |
| 2 April 1871 GWG Dist 1 P4 12 | Taylor Samuel | 19. Staffords Corner, Great Wigborough | Son Age 29 yrs | Agricultural Labourer | | Great Wigborough Census1871 |
| 2 April 1871 GWG Dist 1 P4 13 | Foakes Sarah | 19. Staffords Corner, Great Wigborough | Servant Age 17 yrs | Nurse | | Great Wigborough Census1871 |
| 2 April 1871 GWG Dist 1 P4 14 | Clench James | 20. Staffords Corner, Great Wigborough | Head Age 44 yrs | Agricultural Labourer | | Great Wigborough Census1871 |
| 2 April 1871 GWG Dist 1 P4 15 | Twoley Mary | 20. Staffords Corner, Great Wigborough | Mother Age 79 yrs | Pauper | | Great Wigborough Census1871 |
| 2 April 1871 GWG Dist 1 P4 16 | Wagstaff Joseph | 21. Staffords Corner, Great Wigborough | Head Age 64 yrs | Agricultural Labourer | | Great Wigborough Census1871 |
| 2 April 1871 GWG Dist 1 P4 17 | Wagstaff Anna | 21. Staffords Corner, Great Wigborough | Wife Age 62 yrs | | | Great Wigborough Census1871 |
| 2 April 1871 GWG Dist 1 P4 18 | Wagstaff Daniel | 21. Staffords Corner, Great Wigborough | Son Age 19 yrs | Agricultural Labourer | | Great Wigborough Census1871 |
| 2 April 1871 GWG Dist 1 P4 19 | Bateman James | 22. Staffords Corner, Great Wigborough | Lodger Age 79 yrs | Pauper formerly Agricultural Labourer | | Great Wigborough Census1871 |
| 2 April 1871 GWG Dist 1 P4 20 | Wilsher William | 23. Staffords Corner, Great Wigborough | Head Age 25 yrs | Agricultural Labourer | | Great Wigborough Census1871 |
| 2 April 1871 GWG Dist 1 P4 21 | Wilsher Emma | 23. Staffords Corner, Great Wigborough | Wife Age 20 yrs | Tayloress | | Great Wigborough Census1871 |
| 2 April 1871 GWG Dist 1 P4 22 | Wilsher William | 23. Staffords Corner, Great Wigborough | Son Age 2 yrs | | | Great Wigborough Census1871 |
| 2 April 1871 GWG Dist 1 P4 23 | Wilsher George | 23. Staffords Corner, Great Wigborough | Son Age 2 Mon | | | Great Wigborough Census1871 |
| 2 April 1871 GWG Dist 1 P5 1 | Alen Samuel | 24. Hyde House, Great Wigborough | Head Age 67 yrs | Farmer of 125 acres employing 5 Men 2 Boys | | Great Wigborough Census1871 |
| 2 April 1871 GWG Dist 1 P5 2 | Alen Martha | 24. Hyde House, Great Wigborough | Wife Age 47 yrs | | | Great Wigborough Census1871 |
| 2 April 1871 GWG Dist 1 P5 3 | Alen Charles E. | 24. Hyde House, Great Wigborough | Son Age 12 yrs | Farmers Son | | Great Wigborough Census1871 |
| 2 April 1871 GWG Dist 1 P5 4 | Alen Louis R. | 24. Hyde House, Great Wigborough | Son Age 9 yrs | Scholar | | Great Wigborough Census1871 |
| 2 April 1871 GWG Dist 1 P5 5 | Alen Florence M. | 24. Hyde House, Great Wigborough | Daughter Age 6 yrs | Scholar | | Great Wigborough Census1871 |
| 2 April 1871 GWG Dist 1 P5 6 | Bond Priscilla | 24. Hyde House, Great Wigborough | Servant Age 17 yrs | General Servant Domestic | | Great Wigborough Census1871 |
| 2 April 1871 GWG Dist 1 P5 7 | Bird Godfrey | 25. The Rectory, Great Wigborough | Head Age 74 yrs | Rector of Great Wigborough | | Great Wigborough Census1871 |
| 2 April 1871 GWG Dist 1 P5 8 | Bird Isabel E. | 25. The Rectory, Great Wigborough | Daughter Age 27 yrs | | | Great Wigborough Census1871 |
| 2 April 1871 GWG Dist 1 P5 9 | Bird Eustace E.G. | 25. The Rectory, Great Wigborough | Son Age 22 yrs | Lieut Royal Marine L.J. Active | | Great Wigborough Census1871 |
| 2 April 1871 GWG Dist 1 P5 10 | Bird Harold G. | 25. The Rectory, Great Wigborough | Son Age 19 yrs | Mid Shipman R.N. Active | | Great Wigborough Census1871 |
| 2 April 1871 GWG Dist 1 P5 11 | Bird Spencer G. | 25. The Rectory, Great Wigborough | Son Age 17 yrs | Lieut West Essex Militia Active | | Great Wigborough Census1871 |
| 2 April 1871 GWG Dist 1 P5 12 | Dunningham Sophia | 25. The Rectory, Great Wigborough | Servant Age 64 yrs | | | Great Wigborough Census1871 |
| 2 April 1871 GWG Dist 1 P5 13 | Rashbrook Mary A. | 25. The Rectory, Great Wigborough | Servant Age 22 yrs | | | Great Wigborough Census1871 |
| 2 April 1871 GWG Dist 1 P5 14 | Willsher Susanna J. | 25. The Rectory, Great Wigborough | Servant Age 27 yrs | | | Great Wigborough Census1871 |
| 2 April 1871 GWG Dist 1 P5 15 | Youngs Sarah A. | 25. The Rectory, Great Wigborough | Servant Age 13 yrs | | | Great Wigborough Census1871 |
| 2 April 1871 GWG Dist 1 P5 16 | Bowyer Elizabeth J. | 25. The Rectory, Great Wigborough | Visitor Age 30 yrs | | | Great Wigborough Census1871 |
| 2 April 1871 GWG Dist 1 P5 17 | Pullen Henry W. | 26. Nr. The Church, Great Wigborough | Head Age 32 yrs | Agricultural Labourer | | Great Wigborough Census1871 |
| 2 April 1871 GWG Dist 1 P5 18 | Pullen Charlotte | 26. Nr. The Church, Great Wigborough | Wife Age 36 yrs | Laundress | | Great Wigborough Census1871 |
| 2 April 1871 GWG Dist 1 P5 19 | Elliott George | 27. Nr. The Church, Great Wigborough | Head Age 47 yrs | Coachman & Gardener Domestic Servant | | Great Wigborough Census1871 |
| 2 April 1871 GWG Dist 1 P5 20 | Elliott Harriett | 27. Nr. The Church, Great Wigborough | Wife Age 52 yrs | | | Great Wigborough Census1871 |
| 2 April 1871 GWG Dist 1 P5 21 | Elliott Emma | 27. Nr. The Church, Great Wigborough | Daughter Age 33 yrs | Gardeners Wife | | Great Wigborough Census1871 |
| 2 April 1871 GWG Dist 1 P5 22 | Elliott Philip | 27. Nr. The Church, Great Wigborough | Grand Son Age 2 yrs | Gardeners Son | | Great Wigborough Census1871 |
| 2 April 1871 GWG Dist 1 P5 23 | Elliott James | 27. Nr. The Church, Great Wigborough | Grand Son Age 1 year | Gardeners Son | | Great Wigborough Census1871 |
| 2 April 1871 GWG Dist 1 P5 24 | Pluck Mary A. | 27. Nr. The Church, Great Wigborough | Servant Age 12 yrs | General Servant Domestic | | Great Wigborough Census1871 |
| 2 April 1871 GWG Dist 1 P6 1 | Goodey Samuel | 28. Moulshams, Great Wigborough | Head Age 44 yrs | Agricultural Labourer | | Great Wigborough Census1871 |
| 2 April 1871 GWG Dist 1 P6 2 | Goodey Elizabeth | 28. Moulshams, Great Wigborough | Wife Age 42 yrs | | | Great Wigborough Census1871 |
| 2 April 1871 GWG Dist 1 P6 3 | Goodey Jane | 28. Moulshams, Great Wigborough | Daughter Age 16 yrs | | | Great Wigborough Census1871 |
| 2 April 1871 GWG Dist 1 P6 4 | Goodey Harriett | 28. Moulshams, Great Wigborough | Daughter Age 14 yrs | | | Great Wigborough Census1871 |
| 2 April 1871 GWG Dist 1 P6 5 | Goodey Charles H. | 28. Moulshams, Great Wigborough | Son Age 11 yrs | Agricultural Labourer | | Great Wigborough Census1871 |
| 2 April 1871 GWG Dist 1 P6 6 | Goodey Phillis | 28. Moulshams, Great Wigborough | Daughter Age 9 yrs | Scholar | | Great Wigborough Census1871 |