| Contains information recorded in Census parish and church records. Click Help and Details for more information about the source of the data. Search for Address Stone House, Coast Road People listed by Date Found 14 records - Displaying Page 1. Line 1 to 14. | |
| Date Page | Surname Forenames | Household / Address or Place | Relationship Age or Dates | Occupation | | Source |
| 1
| 1936 WM P7 230 | Butterfield Thomas | Stone House, Coast Road |
| | | West Mersea Electors | 2
| 1936 WM P7 231 | Butterfield Florence | Stone House, Coast Road |
| | | West Mersea Electors | 3
| 1936 WM P10 373 | Copland Agnes Marion | Stone House, Coast Road |
| | | West Mersea Electors | 4
| 1936 WM P20 855 | Harvey-Cant Clifford | Stone House, Coast Road |
| | | West Mersea Electors | 5
| 1936 WM P20 856 | Harvey-Cant Gladys Marion | Stone House, Coast Road |
| | | West Mersea Electors | 6
| 1936 WM P41 1785 | Warren Harvey Frederick | Stone House, Coast Road |
| | | West Mersea Electors | 7
| 1936 WM P41 1786 | Warren Gladys May | Stone House, Coast Road |
| | | West Mersea Electors | 8
| 1939 WM P11 409 | Copland Agnes Marion | Stone House, Coast Road |
| | | West Mersea Electors | 9
| 1939 WM P21 871 | Hare Mary Katharine | Stone House, Coast Road |
| | | West Mersea Electors | 10
| 29 September 1939 1552B_325_001 | Hare Mary K | Stone House, Coast Road | Born 10 Jun 1898 | Householder | | 1939Register West Mersea | 11
| 29 September 1939 1552B_325_002 | Tilghman Benjamin | Stone House, Coast Road | Born 16 Jan 1890 | Director | | 1939Register West Mersea | 12
| 1951 WM P8 927 | Hare Helen F. | Stone House, Coast Road |
| | | West Mersea Electors | 13
| 1951 WM P8 928 | Hare Mary K. | Stone House, Coast Road |
| | | West Mersea Electors | 14
| 1951 WM P8 929 | Hare Patrick D. | Stone House, Coast Road |
| | | West Mersea Electors |
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