Contains information recorded in Census parish and church records. Click Help and Details for more information about the source of the data. Search for Address Rosebank Road People listed by Date Found 5 records - Displaying Page 1. Line 1 to 5. | |
| Date Page | Surname Forenames | Household / Address or Place | Relationship Age or Dates | Occupation | | Source |
| 1
| 1921 WM P7 330 | French Archibald George | Rosebank Road |
| | | West Mersea Electors | 2
| 1931 WM P17 815 | Hewes William George | Rosebank Road |
| | | West Mersea Electors | 3
| 1931 WM P17 816 | Hewes Violet Kate | Rosebank Road |
| | | West Mersea Electors | 4
| 1939 WM P23 943 | Hempstead Walter Joe | Rosebank Road |
| | | West Mersea Electors | 5
| 1939 WM P23 944 | Hempstead Jessie May | Rosebank Road |
| | | West Mersea Electors |
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