| Contains information recorded in Census parish and church records. Click Help and Details for more information about the source of the data. Search for Household 9 Address Post Office People listed by Date Found 7 records - Displaying Page 1. Line 1 to 7. | |
| Date Page | Surname Forenames | Household / Address or Place | Relationship Age or Dates | Occupation | | Source |
| 1
| 31 March 1901 PEL Dist 14 P2 17 | Smallwood George | 9. Post Office, Peldon | Head Age 42 yrs | Postmaster | | Peldon Census1901 | 2
| 31 March 1901 PEL Dist 14 P2 18 | Smallwood Fanny E. | 9. Post Office, Peldon | Wife Age 41 yrs | | | Peldon Census1901 | 3
| 31 March 1901 PEL Dist 14 P2 19 | Smallwood Charles C. | 9. Post Office, Peldon | Son Age 14 yrs | | | Peldon Census1901 | 4
| 31 March 1901 PEL Dist 14 P2 20 | Smallwood Celia A. | 9. Post Office, Peldon | Daughter Age 13 yrs | | | Peldon Census1901 | 5
| 31 March 1901 PEL Dist 14 P2 21 | Smallwood Robert | 9. Post Office, Peldon | Son Age 11 yrs | | | Peldon Census1901 | 6
| 31 March 1901 PEL Dist 14 P2 22 | Smallwood Ellen | 9. Post Office, Peldon | Daughter Age 10 Mon. | | | Peldon Census1901 | 7
| 31 March 1901 PEL Dist 14 P2 23 | Ponder William | 9. Post Office, Peldon | Boarder Age 32 yrs | Police Constable | | Peldon Census1901 |
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