| Contains information recorded in Census parish and church records. Click Help and Details for more information about the source of the data. Search for Household 27 Address Goings Cottages People listed by Date Found 3 records - Displaying Page 1. Line 1 to 3. | |
| Date Page | Surname Forenames | Household / Address or Place | Relationship Age or Dates | Occupation | | Source |
| 1
| 31 March 1901 PEL Dist 14 P4 18 | Reynolds Peter | 27. Goings Cottages, Peldon | Head Age 58 yrs | Stockman on Farm | | Peldon Census1901 | 2
| 31 March 1901 PEL Dist 14 P4 19 | Peachy Mary | 27. Goings Cottages, Peldon | Sister Age 64 yrs | | | Peldon Census1901 | 3
| 31 March 1901 PEL Dist 14 P4 20 | Peachy Eliza | 27. Goings Cottages, Peldon | Mother Age 81 yrs | | | Peldon Census1901 |
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