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 West Mersea Parish Council Minute Book 1917 to 1926, page 176

Appointment of Beach Caretaker contd.

The Attendant will be expected to carry out the above work to the entire satisfaction of the Councils Sanitary Inspector. Applications to be sent to P. Procter, Beach Rd., West Mersea, not later than 12 o'clock noon on Thursday, July 17th and to state wages ...
Cat1 Museum-->Papers-->Other Cat2 Mersea-->Beach

West Mersea Parish Council Minute Book 1917 to 1926, page 176

Appointment of Beach Caretaker contd.

"The Attendant will be expected to carry out the above work to the entire satisfaction of the Councils Sanitary Inspector. Applications to be sent to P. Procter, Beach Rd., West Mersea, not later than 12 o'clock noon on Thursday, July 17th and to state wages required."

Letter from Mr A. Hurd

The Clerk then read the following letter from Mr A. Hurd, Sanitary Inspector, dated 14 July 1924. "Since I drafted the proposed duties I have again inspected the foreshore and have come to the conclusion that it would be much better to arrange for the contents of Pails & refuse collected to be carted away from the bach, and would suggest that Dixon or some one else cart this away each day - either early in the morning or late in the evening. The conveniences are so far apart that it would take some considerable time for the man to carry the excreta to a suitable site for disposal to say nothing of spilling the contents on the way. Then again we will have to get permission from the Owners of the land and trouble may arise if refuse is buried on a future building site.
If you adopt this suggestion no doubt a disabled man could be employed at a less wage than it was proposed to pay. He would collect the refuse and deposit in the bins provided and these would be collected by the Contractor. The contents of Urine Pails would of course be buried and if at any time a collection had to be made during say the afternoon a similar course could be adopted. The Medical Officer of Health agrees that this is the best course."
(Signed) Albert Hurd.


the Clerk then read the following letter from Mr John Dixon, Contractor to the Lexden & Winstree Rural District Council - "I will undertake to scavenge the beach and to cart away all refuse and excreta every day for the sum of fifty shillings per week. I shall employ a full time man to keep the paper and convenience clean

Continued on next page ...

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Date: 17 Jul 1924      

Image ID WMC_BK2_P176
Category 2 Mersea-->Beach


This image is part of the Mersea Museum Collection.