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 Bobby Leavett's smack BERTHA whilst shrimping. Bobby on left of photo and his son Derek on the right. Note the steam coming from the copper in the hold.

Photo loaned by Peter 'Bruin' Leavett, son of the late Frederick 'Bobby' Leavett. 
Cat1 People-->Fishermen and Seamen Cat2 Smacks and Bawleys Cat3 Fishing

Bobby Leavett's smack BERTHA whilst shrimping. Bobby on left of photo and his son Derek on the right. Note the steam coming from the copper in the hold.
Photo loaned by Peter 'Bruin' Leavett, son of the late Frederick 'Bobby' Leavett.

Photo: Peter 'Bruin' Leavett Collection
Image ID PBIB_SMA_011
Category 2 Smacks and Bawleys
Category 3 Fishing


This image is part of the Mersea Museum Collection.