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 Barge P.A.M. at Mersea Strood. Believed to have been taken by skipper George Blake or his camera.

P.A.M. was built 1901 Rochester Official No. 114801 and was owned by Wakeley Bros. 
Cat1 Barges-->Pictures Cat2 Mersea-->Strood Cat3 Barges-->Pictures

Barge P.A.M. at Mersea Strood. Believed to have been taken by skipper George Blake or his camera.
P.A.M. was built 1901 Rochester Official No. 114801 and was owned by Wakeley Bros.
Date: c1946      

Photo: Hervey Benham Collection
Image ID HBC_018_001
Category 2 Mersea-->Strood
Category 3 Barges


This image is part of the Mersea Museum Collection.